The song I wake up to news.
Gaza - The Gaza Strip covers an area three hundred and sixty square kilometers of these sixty-demarcate a zone designated as "high risk" by an OCHA report ( Between the fence and hard to place - August 2010), where the "risk" we are talking about is for the Palestinians, to be crossed by an Israeli bullet.
The area follows the border of the Gaza Strip, for a range of 300 meters wide, was declared unilaterally " buffer zone" by Israel, and Israel itself actively prevents Palestinians from entering. In reality, however, the high risk area recognized by the report which is discussed above reaches 1000 - 1500 meters from the border, and throughout this area there are military actions and incursions by Israeli gunfire. It comprises just 17% of the territory of the strip and, more importantly, 35% of agricultural land.
The numbers of farmers leave their land. Jaber recounts: "When you start to cultivate can not arrive soon, expect the time of harvest or, if you have planted trees, waiting to be old enough to bear fruit. Then the Israelis come with tanks and, in minutes, destroying the work of months or years just a moment before they bear fruit. " For this reason agriculture in buffer zones is slowly waning, but no longer afford to invest in a land that will not be no fruit for too many years in a row.
Some farmers, in spite of this, go there again. The last we visited the hospital called Ahmad Sa'aed Qapeen, has 21 years, and the morning of December 9 was picking potatoes with his brother Sultan about 1500 meters from the border, within the territory of Gaza. According to his testimony a special corps of Israeli armed forces entered into the Palestinian territory near where he was. He ran away but was shot as he ran at the knee: the bullet shattered some bones of the leg before you go out and hit the leg of his brother Sultan, fortunately without causing damage to the bones in the latter case. "I think they were hidden somewhere in the area. When I saw them I ran away scared. "
In this photo you see Ahmad's leg after the operation that fixed the bones the help of some iron bars. The story of Ahmad Sa'aed Qapeen, then, is emblematic for an 'other reason: three of his brothers have already been targets of the Israelis. Mahmud was wounded in 2004 during the Israeli raid, he was 18, while Sultan had already been wounded in the head in a non-major military offensive during the Lead Time. A
Ismael Sa'aed Qapeen, wounded Nov. 30, were amputated three fingers of his left foot, was not the first time he received the Israeli fire and there are many scars to prove it. Ismael That day he had gone near the border to collect stones and rubble crushed for resale as construction material, whose entry is forbidden by the siege. are many fathers of families, but also the underage boys, who go to the border to collect debris: Although everyone is aware of the danger, in many cases the lack of work due to siege leaves no alternative.
"I was about 200 meters from the border when I was fired without warning shots. At first I did not hear nothing, but after a few seconds I began to feel something at the bottom, then I realized that I had been shot. I lost consciousness. " His friends have room, put on a cart and taken to a location accessible from the ambulance, which then transported him to the hospital. Dozens of workers in the last month have been hit by Israeli fire: the family Sa'aed Qapeen is just one example.
Then, three hundred and sixty kilometers square under the authority of Gaza less than sixty-one "almost" under the authority of Gaza. Sixty square miles where the right ceases to exist. Because it is clear that the purpose of Israel is deliberately difficult to make the lives of civilians, even if it is contrary to international law, declaring a war crime to hit civilians, against international resolutions, which define the green line as the boundary .
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