Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Old School Wrestling Singlet For Sale

Everyone at school!

Another piece always Wake Up News

"[...] the child should be fully prepared to have an individual life in society, and brought up in the spirit of the ideals proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, in particular in a spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity [...]"

-From the Preamble of the text of the Convention on Rights of the UN-

Schoolgirls during recess at a school in Beit Hannoun

holes caused by a bomb dropped nearby in the wall of a school in Zaitun

Damage caused by a bullet in the school in Khan Younis

In questi giorni si parla molto di scuola -giustamente!-. Essa è, oltre che il luogo dell’apprendimento, palestra di vita. Rappresenta, in qualche modo, la prima esperienza importante all’esterno della famiglia . Anche nella striscia di Gaza.
Alle 3.30 della notte tra l’8 e il 9 dicembre una bomba è caduta in un’area vicina ad una scuola nel quartiere di Zaitun, vicino Gaza.
I vetri delle finestre della facciata che dava sul luogo dell’esplosione sono andati in frantumi a causa dello spostamento d’aria, ed il custode, che a quell’ora stava dormendo e per fortuna non ha riportato ferite, è rimasto intrappolato per qualche ora nella sua stanza, perchè, sempre a causa dello spostamento d’aria, la porta è stata danneggiata. Spiega: «Il laboratorio di informatica e la libreria sono state completamente distrutte , il danno totale stimato è di cento mila dollari. Alcuni esperti sono venuti ad analizzare i danni e sostengono che si tratti di un nuovo tipo di bomba che non lascia crateri, ma procura il massimo del danno sulla superficie».
I bambini fanno 2 turni nelle scuole delle striscia, uno al mattino ed uno nel primo pomeriggio , perché non ci sono abbastanza edifici per farli stare tutti nella prima parte della giornata. Entrambi i turni dei bambini che frequentavano questa scuola a Zaitun faranno “vacanza” per una settimana, ma appare difficile che in questo tempo sia possibile rimediare completamente ai danni, e, senza le finestre, quando soffia il vento fa freddo anche qui .
La preside di una scuola più a nord, nell’area di Beit Hannoun, racconta che quando i soldati israeliani iniziano a sparare, le bambine e le ragazze urlano terrorizzate. Qui siamo vicino alla no-go zone imposta dagli israeliani, a qualche centinaio di metri dal confine, è possibile vedere la rete elettrificata del confine dal tetto. La preside spiega che spesso, in the classroom, from the border Israeli soldiers shoot sometimes have a specific goal but when do not have it and shoot at random in the area are also affected the walls of the school, creating a panic. When you have these actions, the students remain in school and not return home until the situation calms down, to avoid the risk of being injured. The raids with armored vehicles in front of the school instead happen about once a month, last Thursday was 9, and even this has created fear and turmoil in the school. "If I were to use an expression for I would describe our situation here, " keep our soul in our hands ", because any time anyone can be hurt. One child was wounded near this school, and once it happened that entering a class covers students lying on the ground and the teacher who covered them with her own body because they were afraid of the bullets that came through the windows. "
Teachers and students tell us that two years ago, molten lead just before the military offensive, Israeli soldiers had positioned tanks outside the school, have entered, they brought all the students and teachers from one part 'the other, keeping them locked up for some time before letting them free. The area between the border and the school has no visual obstructions, so the military can see perfectly well that they are shooting at a school.
A third grade girl in front of the camera says: "We are afraid, we have nightmares at night. We are children, and are forbidden to do this to us ".
near Khan Younis, south of the strip, there is another school where the situation is very different.
the morning is a state school women, while the afternoon is an UNRWA boys' school. The principal of the school in the morning said 2 episodes dating in early 2009 that describe the violence of the Israeli soldiers against these girls. These two students : one was walking back home across the street from the school and other one was listening to a lecture. The first was hit by a bullet to the knee , and still can not go for long walks, and can not bend the right knee, while the other was hit in the nose caused by a splinter from a hole bullet on the wall of his classroom. The headmaster tells how in both cases, the ambulance had difficulty reaching the accident site, because to get in must coordinate with the Israeli military authorities, and often permission is slow in coming.
The walls of this school are riddled with holes, mostly covered by stucco, but it's hard to imagine how it can take a lesson with the constant fear they start shooting. The dean: "We have exposed the UN flag on the roof: why the hell should soldiers shoot at a school?"
It is said that the experiences that we do during his childhood and youth are decisive in shaping the character and that schools are the first place to socialize outside the family, are indeed matters for the boys and girls the first experience outside the family.
But what personalities are forced to form in these areas? And what the world outside the family is proposed in this / boys / and? And what is the r eaction the international community?


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