Sometimes you do not expect it, and it comes so suddenly that for a moment you short of breath.
They shot 39 people in the last five weeks in what Israel calls the "buffer zone" strip of land near the border where they go shepherds, farmers, and gatherers of stones which are then crushed to make material construction. All the bones of the legs mangled: it is strange to see the plates, fractures caused by bullets are not linear but break the bones into small pieces difficult to reconstruct. Usually the wounded were coming out of the leg irons to set the bones and make you aggiustino in the right place.
Yesterday we arrivat * Kamelodwan hospital in Beit Honnoun north of Gaza, and we asked the wounded man of which we had read in maan. We thought it was yet another bin of stones. They collect stones because it is the only chance they have to bring home the bread. At the entrance we were told: "we work, then we moved to intensive care, but has done it and died a few minutes ago." She was 20 years.
Sometimes you do not expect it, and it comes so suddenly that for a moment you short of breath. The primary
told that the bullet entered his back, went through the kidney and is leaking from the belly. My uncle told us that Abuhashish Salama was a shepherd and every day he went in the same area to bring the sheep: the soldiers who fired shots saw him every day, knew it was not just a pastor. He says: "My nephew was married for a year. Tonight the wife has given birth to her first son, and Salama had not yet signed up for the first name to go to graze the sheep this morning. I knew at once that my niece was dying and that his son was born. "
Sometimes you do not expect it, and it comes so suddenly that for a moment you short of breath.
In the room where the women wait for the corpse of the dead man's wife I Salama, became a mother the other night, still lying with a blanket that covers her legs and belly, wearing a track suit and a checkered headscarf browns and blacks. He was nineteen. Do not cry, has large, shiny brown eyes and a tired face. What is said about a woman who now has cried all her tears. Continue to observe the daughter of two days sleeping wrapped in blankets. The other women present asked me to photograph the baby, put it aside from the mother because it is not good to take pictures of women, and I the photographer.
Sometimes you will not expect it, and it comes so suddenly that for a moment you short of breath.
Why? I wonder why an Israeli soldier kills people he knows to be simply workers. With that consciousness "follows orders". I want to know what to think, what makes the evening when he returns home, tells what her children. What to tell
Salama, the wife of his son.
And what his son thinks when it is large enough.
* haram is a parallel in Arabic means "forbidden", but is also used for "horrible" and "unfair"
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