Still shooting at civilians
This is the video of the event on Wednesday.
The first two days of the rally were injured six workers forced to go to the border to earn a viviere, the day after 3, 2 others in the following days, the last one was today.
Israel continues to fire on civilians disramati, although this is prohibited by international conventions.
It is normal, and there is no reaction.
Ahmed is a fisherman, and Khalid Mokles collect stones near the border with Israel, and Mohammed is the farmer. They are all 4 and civilians living in Gaza.
We found them in a hospital room with injuries of firearms.
It was 12:30 on 27 November.
Jarboh Ahmed Mahmoud is 26 years and makes the fisherman in Gaza. For over a year that fishing in the same area, one near the northern border of the strip, with a net that is pulled to shore by him and his two companions. It was just as he pulled the net ashore that Israeli soldiers from the control tower on the border he was shot in the leg, at first his friends escaped and then came back to take him to hospital, where he remained for several hours under observation.
Fishing is an important source of food for the besieged Gaza. For those out at sea to fish you can not get away from the shore more than 3 nautical miles, although the official limit established by the UN is 20 miles. If the fishermen away from the shore more than 3 nautical miles are seized by Israeli warships and taken to the Zionist jails, or will open fire on them. Consequently, the area immediately near the sea coast has very little fish, and fishermen are forced to approach the border north or south to reach a piece of sea where you can fish profitably.
Ahmed said: "For over a year I come here every day to fish. Soldiers from the control tower I can see forever. They know they are nothing more than a fisherman! There were no warning shots, I got shot directly in the leg. I have 2 children and are the only family to work: we have nothing except what I earn from fishing. "
the same day, between 2 and 3 in the afternoon, Israeli forces have shot Khalid Ashraf Abos. At 6 in the afternoon his condition still appeared critical: although the bullet had passed through his leg and was released, Khalid had a displaced fracture of the tibia and internal bleeding in progress. He trembled strongly and was unable to communicate, it was the older brother to tell us what happened.
The buffer zone is 300 m wide band along the border on the Palestinian side of the green line, was imposed by Israel and the Palestinians without access. A much larger portion of land, away from a mile to a mile Always on the Palestinian side of the green line is defined by a high-risk OCHA report: in this area are not uncommon bullets israeliani che colpiscono palestinesi.
Khalid stava raccogliendo pietre e resti di materiale edile da macerie di case distrutte a 500 metri dal confine. L'assedio imposto da Israele con la complicità dell'Egitto impedisce al materiale edile di entrare a Gaza legalmente, ed esso è necessario per costruire o ri-costruire case ed edifici. Inoltre la disoccupazione è alle stelle, e questo spinge molte persone a raccogliere macerie vicino al confine anche se questo lavoro comporta rischi altissimi.
Racconta il fratello: “Khalid si è sposato 8 mesi fa, e sta cercando di fare famiglia. Questo era il suo unico ingresso ed ha lavorato in quest'area negli ultimi 7 mesi. Sono sicuro che i soldati lo riconoscessero, e gli hanno sparato senza warning shots. "
Even Mokles Jawad al-Masri was doing the same job when he was shot. He's only 15 years, still goes to school and is the only one working in his family, where they are 17. They hit in the calf when he was 500 meters from the border, according to the doctors and heal in 2 months. It happened at 7 am on November 28 in the area of \u200b\u200bBeit Lahya, north of Gaza.
"Because of the siege there are many other possibilities for my family to survive. At home we are 17 and I earn a living collecting and selling sand. It is dangerous and I only earn 50 shekels (about 10 euro) per day, but it's the only thing I can do to help. I have an older brother, which is the last year of high school. I also go to school but they are only the ninth year, is still easy so I have more free time with my brother. He has to concentrate at school to have a good final grade, so it can not find a good job. "
Mohamad Khalil Zanin, however, is the farmer and his family has an olive grove. Mohammed is 21 years old, his father had a heart attack and half his body paralyzed, and he remained the only one to go to the olive grove: it must maintain three brothers in addition to his parents. He was shot while returning home at 10:30 am on Nov. 28. At the hospital, the bad fracture to heal, it was necessary to apply nails and a 6 protesi di ferro, che verranno tolti in alcuni mesi.
Secondo il rapporto dell'OCHA sopracitato circa il 35% delle terre coltivabili nella Striscia sono “ad alto rischio”: questo, in una situazione di assedio come quella di Gaza, significa incidere in maniera significativa sull'autosufficienza alimentare. L'attaccamento alla terra, sia come fonte di cibo che come rappresentazione delle radici culturali e familiari è fortissimo nella cultura Palestinese. L'ulivo in particolare ha un valore simbolico molto forte, perchè è una pianta resistente, ci mette diversi anni prima di dare frutto e sopravvive millenni.
“Credo di essermi trovato a 150 metri dal confine. È vicino, ma è la nostra terra. Abbiamo 100 trees to care for and this week I went in every day: the soldiers certainly have recognized me with their cameras, I do not understand why they shot him. Now I do not know what will happen, no one can go to the earth in me, and I do not want my family to threaten their lives. "
According to news agency Ma'an as well as documented cases was injured Nov. 27 a boy of twelve and twenty years of a November 28, while collecting the remains of both building materials and stones at the border.
injure or kill civilians is defined by international conventions on war crime.
It is extremely cynical, do not let other possibility to workers as well as to go near the border to try to earn a living and then shoot at it.
boycott Israel because they shoot at civilians.
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