Monday, December 27, 2010

Birthday Clipart Husband

Open Letter from Gaza: Two years after the massacre claim justice

(Inglese below)
besieged Gaza, Palestine
December 27, 2010

We Palestinians in the Gaza Strip under siege, now two years since the genocide of Israel to our families , our homes, our factories and schools, we are just saying liabilities, just discussion just wait - it's time to force Israel to continue to account for his crimes against us. On 27 December 2008, Israel began an indiscriminate shelling of the Gaza Strip. The attack lasted 22 days, killing, according to the main human rights organizations, 1417 of which 352 Palestinian children. Unsettling for 528 hours, the Israeli occupying forces have unleashed the funds from the United States: F15, F16, Merkava tanks, white phosphorus banned throughout the world, bombed and invaded the tiny Palestinian coastal enclave whose population of 1.5 million persons, among which 800,000 are children and more than 80% of registered refugees to the United Nations. About 5,300 wounded sono rimasti invalidi.

La devastazione ha superato in ferocia tutti i precedenti massacri sofferti a Gaza, come per esempio i 21 bambini ammazzati a Jabalia nel marzo 2008 o i 19 civili uccisi mentre si rifugiavano nella loro casa durante il massacro di Beit Hanoun del 2006. La carneficina ha addirittura superato gli attacchi del novembre1956 nei quali le truppe israeliane hanno indiscriminatamente radunato ed ucciso 274 palestinesi nella città di Khan Younis (sud della striscia) ed altri 111 a Rafah (nord).

Fin dal massacro di Gaza del 2009, cittadini del mondo si sono assunti la responsabilità di fare pressione su Israele perchè rispetti la legge internazionale, attraverso la strategia già collaudata del boicottaggio, divestment and sanctions. As was done in the global BDS movement that was so effective in putting an end to the apartheid regime in South Africa, we strongly urge people of conscience to join the BDS movement created by over 170 Palestinian organizations in 2005. As in South Africa the imbalance of forces in the field and representation in this fight may be offset by a powerful international solidarity movement with the BDS in mind, the attitude of Israel to bring those responsible accountable for their actions, in which the community International has repeatedly failed. Similarly, civilian efforts and imaginative as the ships of the Free Gaza who have broken the siege five times, the Gaza Freedom March the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, and the many convoys by land must not stop to break the siege, showing the inhumanity of keeping 1.5 million citizens of Gaza in a open-air prison.

has now been two years since the most serious acts of genocide the Israelis, who should have left the people without any doubt about the brutal extent of Israel's plans for the Palestinians. The assault murderess to international activists to Gaza aboard the Freedom Flotilla in the Mediterranean Sea made it clear to the world the little value that Israel gave the Palestinian lives so far. The world now knows, and now after 2 years nothing has changed for the Palestinians.

The Goldstone report has come and past, despite his list one by one those infringements of international law, "war crimes" Israel and "possible crimes against humanity" despite the European Union, the United Nations, the Red Cross, and all the larger associations Human Rights have made a call for an end to un'assedio medieval and illegal, it continues with the same violence. On 11 November 2010, the UNRWA chief John Ging said: "There were no real changes for the people on the ground with regard to their situation, their dependence on aid, the absence of any compensation or rehabilitation, not ... presses the economy, as have been described, there were no more than a political détente in pressures to Israel and Egypt "

On December 2, 22 international organizations, including Amnesty, Oxfam, Save the Children, Christian Aid, Medical Aid for Palestinian and produced the report" Dashed Hopes, Continuation of the Gaza Blockade (Hope powder, a continuation of the blockade), "calling for international action that will force Israel to abandon the lock unconditionally, describing how the Palestinians under the Israeli siege of Gaza continue to live in the same dire conditions. Only a week ago, Human Rights Watch published a detailed report "Separate Unequal end (separate and unequal)" denouncing the Israeli attitudes like practices of apartheid, echoing similar statements by the South African anti-apartheid activists.

We Palestinians in Gaza want to live in freedom and Palestinians to meet friends or families from Tulkarem, Jerusalem or Nazareth, we have the right to travel and move freely. We want to live without the fear of another bombing campaign that leaves our children died and many more injured or cancer from pollution from Israeli and white phosphorus chemical weapons. We want to live without being humiliated at Israeli checkpoints or the shame of not being able to provide for our families because of the unemployment brought by economic control and illegal siege. We call an end to racism which is the foundation of quest'oppressione.

ask: when the countries of the world will act in accordance with the fundamental premise that human beings should be treated equally, without distinction of origin, ethnicity or color - is it an exaggeration to say that Palestinian children have the same rights as any other human being? You will be able one day to look back and say that you were on the right side of the story or have supported the oppressor?

We also call on the international community to shoulder its responsibilities and protect the Palestinian people by Israel's ferocious attacks, immediately end the siege with a compensation complete destruction of lives and infrastructure that we have been plagued by quest'esplicita practice of collective punishment. Absolutely nothing can justify fierce international practices such as limited access to water and electricity to 1.5 million people. The international silence towards the genocidal war that took place against more than 1.5 million people to reveal the complicity in these crimes. We also

un'appello all groups of solidarity with Palestinian and international civil society organizations to demand:

  • The end of the siege that was imposed on the Palestinian population in the West Bank and the Strip Gaza as a result of the exercise of their democratic choice.
  • The protection of civilian lives and property, as stipulated by international law umaitaria and international law regarding human rights, like the Fourth of Ginevra.-The immediate release of all political prisoners
  • that refugees Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are immediately supplied with material and financial support to address the immense hardships they are experiencing
  • End the occupation, apartheid and other war crimes
  • immediate compensation and compensation for all the destruction carried out forces Israeli occupation in the Gaza Strip

Boycott, divestment and sanctions, join many unions around the world, universities, supermarkets, artists and writers who refuse to entertain the Israeli apartheid. Talk of Palestine, Gaza, and especially ACT. The time is now.

besieged Gaza, Palestine

December 27, 2010

List of Signatories:
General Union for Public Services
Workers General Union for Health Services Workers
University Teachers' Association Congregation for Lawyers

Palestinian General Union for Workers and Gas Petrochemical
General Agricultural Workers Union for
Union of Women's Work Committees
Union of Synergies—Women Unit
The One Democratic State Group
Arab Cultural Forum
Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel
Association of Al-Quds Bank for Culture and Info
Palestine Sailing Federation
Palestinian Association for Fishing and Maritime
Palestinian Network of Non-Governmental Organizations
Palestinian Women Committees
Progressive Students’ Union
Medical Relief Society
The General Society for Rehabilitation
General Union of Palestinian Women
Afaq Jadeeda Cultural Centre for Women and Children
Deir Al-Balah Cultural Centre for Women and Children
Maghazi Cultural Centre for Children
Al-Sahel Centre for Women and Youth
Ghassan Kanfani Kindergartens
Rachel Corrie Centre, Rafah
Rafah Olympia City Sister
Al Awda Centre, Rafah
Al Awda Hospital, Jabaliya Camp
Ajyal Association, Gaza
General Union of Palestinian Syndicates
Al Karmel Centre, Nuseirat
Local Initiative, Beit Hanoun
Union of Health Work Committees
Red Crescent Society Gaza Strip
Beit Lahiya Cultural Centre
Al Awda Centre, Rafah

(originale in inglese)

An Open Letter from Gaza: Two Years after the Massacre, a Demand for Justice

Besieged Gaza, Palestine

27. December.2010

We the Palestinians of the Besieged Gaza Strip, on this day, two years on from Israel's genocidal attack on our families, our houses, our roads, our factories and our schools, are saying enough inaction, enough discussion, enough waiting – the time is now to hold Israel to account for its ongoing crimes against us. On the 27th of December 2008, Israel began an indiscriminate bombardment of the Gaza Strip. The assault lasted 22 days, killing 1,417 Palestinians, 352 of them children, according to main-stream Human Rights Organizations. For a staggering 528 hours, Israeli Occupation Forces let loose their US-supplied F15s, F16s, Merkava Tanks, internationally prohibited White Phosphorous, and bombed and invaded the small Palestinian coastal enclave that is home to 1.5 million, of whom 800,000 are children and over 80 percent UN registered refugees. Around 5,300 remain permanently wounded.

This devastation exceeded in savagery all previous massacres suffered in Gaza, such as the 21children killed in Jabalia in March 2008 or the 19 civilians killed sheltering in their house in the Beit Hanoun Massacre of 2006. The carnage even exceeded the attacks in November 1956 in which Israeli troops indiscriminately rounded up and killed 275 Palestinians in the Southern town of Khan Younis and 111 more in Rafah.
Since the Gaza massacre of 2009, world citizens have undertaken the responsibility to pressure Israel to comply with international law, through a proven strategy of boycott, divestment and sanctions. As in the global BDS movement that was so effective in ending the apartheid South African regime, we urge people of conscience to join the BDS call made by over 170 Palestinian organizations in 2005. As in South Africa the imbalance of power and representation in this struggle can be counterbalanced by a powerful international solidarity movement with BDS at the forefront, holding Israeli policy makers to account, something the international governing community has repeatedly failed to do. Similarly, creative civilian efforts such as the Free Gaza boats that broke the siege five times, the Gaza Freedom March, the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, and the many land convoys must never stop their siege-breaking, highlighting the inhumanity of keeping 1.5 million Gazans in an open-air prison.

Two years have now passed since Israel’s gravest of genocidal acts that should have left people in no doubt of the brutal extent of Israel’s plans for the Palestinians. The murderous navy assault on international activists aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in the Mediterranean Sea magnified to the world the cheapness Israel has assigned to Palestinian llife for so long. The world knows now, yet two years on nothing has changed for Palestinians.

The Goldstone Report came and went: despite its listing count after count of international law contraventions, Israeli “war crimes” and “possible crimes against humanity,” the European Union, the United Nations, the Red Cross, and all major Human Rights Organizations have called for an end to the illegal, medieval siege, it carries on unabated. On 11th November 2010 UNRWA head John Ging said, “There's been no material change for the people on the ground here in terms of their status, the aid dependency, the absence of any recovery or reconstruction, no economy…The easing, as it was described, has been nothing more than a political easing of the pressure on Israel and Egypt.”

On the 2nd of December, 22 international organizations including Amnesty, Oxfam, Save the Children, Christian Aid, and Medical Aid for Palestinians produced the report ‘Dashed Hopes, Continuation of the Gaza Blockade’ calling for international action to force Israel to unconditionally lift the blockade, saying the Palestinians of Gaza under Israeli siege continue to live in the same devastating conditions. Only a week ago Human Rights Watch published a comprehensive report "Separate and Unequal" that denounced Israeli policies as Apartheid, echoing similar sentiments by South African anti-apartheid activists.

We Palestinians of Gaza want to live at liberty to meet Palestinian friends or family from Tulkarem, Jerusalem or Nazareth; we want to have the right to travel and move freely. We want to live without fear of another bombing campaign that leaves hundreds of our children dead and many more injured or with cancers from the contamination of Israel’s white phosphorous and chemical warfare. We want to live without the humiliations at Israeli checkpoints or the indignity of not providing for our families because of the unemployment brought about by the economic control and the illegal siege. We are calling for an end to the racism that underpins all this oppression.

We ask: when will the world’s countries act according to the basic premise that people should be treated equally, regardless of their origin, ethnicity or colour – is it so far-fetched that a Palestinian child deserves the same human rights as any other human being? Will you be able to look back and say you stood on the right side of history or will you have sided with the oppressor?

We, therefore, call on the international community to take up its responsibility to protect the Palestinian people from Israel’s heinous aggression, immediately ending the siege with full compensation for the destruction of life and infrastructure visited upon us by this explicit policy of collective punishment. Nothing whatsoever justifies the intentional policies of savagery, including the severing of access to the water and electricity supply to 1.5 million people. The international conspiracy of silence towards the genocidal war taking place against the more than 1.5 million civilians in Gaza indicates complicity in these war crimes.

We also call upon all Palestine solidarity groups and all international civil society organizations to demand:

- An end to the siege that has been imposed on the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as a result of their exercise of democratic choice.
- The protection of civilian lives and property, as stipulated in International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law such as The Fourth Geneva Convention.
- The immediate release of all political prisoners.
- That Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip be immediately provided with financial and material support to cope with the immense hardship that they are experiencing
- An end to occupation, Apartheid and other war crimes.
- Immediate reparations and compensation for all destruction carried out by the Israeli Occupation Forces in the Gaza Strip.

Boycott Divest and Sanction, join the many International Trade Unions, Universities, Supermarkets and artists and writers who refuse to entertain Apartheid Israel. Speak out for Palestine, for Gaza, and crucially ACT. The time is now.

Besieged Gaza, Palestine


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Is Emma Watson Going To Have A Toreture Scene

Abuashish Salama was the pastor

Sometimes you do not expect it, and it comes so suddenly that for a moment you short of breath.

They shot 39 people in the last five weeks in what Israel calls the "buffer zone" strip of land near the border where they go shepherds, farmers, and gatherers of stones which are then crushed to make material construction. All the bones of the legs mangled: it is strange to see the plates, fractures caused by bullets are not linear but break the bones into small pieces difficult to reconstruct. Usually the wounded were coming out of the leg irons to set the bones and make you aggiustino in the right place.
Yesterday we arrivat * Kamelodwan hospital in Beit Honnoun north of Gaza, and we asked the wounded man of which we had read in maan. We thought it was yet another bin of stones. They collect stones because it is the only chance they have to bring home the bread. At the entrance we were told: "we work, then we moved to intensive care, but has done it and died a few minutes ago." She was 20 years.

Sometimes you do not expect it, and it comes so suddenly that for a moment you short of breath. The primary

told that the bullet entered his back, went through the kidney and is leaking from the belly. My uncle told us that Abuhashish Salama was a shepherd and every day he went in the same area to bring the sheep: the soldiers who fired shots saw him every day, knew it was not just a pastor. He says: "My nephew was married for a year. Tonight the wife has given birth to her first son, and Salama had not yet signed up for the first name to go to graze the sheep this morning. I knew at once that my niece was dying and that his son was born. "

Sometimes you do not expect it, and it comes so suddenly that for a moment you short of breath.

The village is made up of Bedouin tents and a few poor houses ... Many children barefoot in the dust, the more fortunate have sandals on his feet.
In the room where the women wait for the corpse of the dead man's wife I Salama, became a mother the other night, still lying with a blanket that covers her legs and belly, wearing a track suit and a checkered headscarf browns and blacks. He was nineteen. Do not cry, has large, shiny brown eyes and a tired face. What is said about a woman who now has cried all her tears. Continue to observe the daughter of two days sleeping wrapped in blankets. The other women present asked me to photograph the baby, put it aside from the mother because it is not good to take pictures of women, and I the photographer.
Another woman with a veil and a dress blacks crying: "Tell me if it is not haram * kill a boy of 20 when his son was just born. Tell me if it is not haram! The Israelis are murderers. All women in this room depended on his work (there were 10 women) and now he's dead. Tell me if it is not haram, look at the mother. Nineteen, gave birth last night. He was married only a year ago .. just one year! See that picture on the wall is that of his marriage. Watch the little girl. What will we do now? "

Sometimes you will not expect it, and it comes so suddenly that for a moment you short of breath.

Why? I wonder why an Israeli soldier kills people he knows to be simply workers. With that consciousness "follows orders". I want to know what to think, what makes the evening when he returns home, tells what her children. What to tell
Salama, the wife of his son.
And what his son thinks when it is large enough.

* haram is a parallel in Arabic means "forbidden", but is also used for "horrible" and "unfair"

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Unlocking The Vip Combination Lock

Stop Israel's war against Palestinian workers

In the period from 25 November to 12 December 22 Palestinian workers were hit by Israeli bullets and seriously wounded in the "buffer areas, "a serious escalation of attacks against Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

The buffer zone is a strip of land from three to five hundred feet wide that runs along the Israeli border in the territory of Gaza, declared a "no-go zone" by the Israeli army. According to the UN buffer zone in fact involves the ground up to 1000-1500 meters from the border, and the total area covers 35% of the arable land of the entire Gaza Strip.
This land is not only important for farmers, but is also vital for the so-called "collector of debris." Most of them recover and recycle building materials for the construction of the rubble near the border with Israel, very important activity in the Gaza Strip since Israel from 4 years to prevent the entry of cement and iron.
And 'the only way that these people have to earn bread for themselves and their families, since there is no work in Gaza and unemployment exceeds 45% of the population.
Israeli soldiers shoot these workers nearly every day, often with dum-dum bullets banned by international law, which explode on impact and a network often permanent disabilities.

A total of 22 stones and rubbish bins were injured from gunshot wounds to the legs in the last three weeks, and a total of 97 cases from March 2010. We are facing an increase in crimes against civilians in the buffer zone in Gaza, a clear violation of human straight. Many of these wounded are unable to walk for long periods and are the only ones to take responsibility for the maintenance of very large families.
Children are also affected: four in the last 3 weeks. Mokles , 15, was shot Nov. 28. Earn 50 shekels (10 euro) a day picking up debris and, along with his older brother, are the only ones to gain anything from a family of 17 people. Ismael Sa ' aed Qapeen , 31, has lost three toes for the third time when Israeli soldiers shot him near the border on November 30. Even his four brothers were injured during Israeli incursions, most recently on Dec. 9.
Here you will find detailed reports and photographs: http:// / 2010 / 12/15986 /
http:// / 2010 / 11/15946 /
http:// / 2010 / 11/15946 /
http:// / 2010 / 12/16022 /
http:// / 2010 / 11/15912 /

ISM Gaza makes an appeal for an immediate end to Israeli attacks against civilians in Gaza and called on the international community to put pressure on Israel so that an end to this massacre and liberated from the Strip, with its one and half million inhabitants.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Old School Wrestling Singlet For Sale

Everyone at school!

Another piece always Wake Up News

"[...] the child should be fully prepared to have an individual life in society, and brought up in the spirit of the ideals proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, in particular in a spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity [...]"

-From the Preamble of the text of the Convention on Rights of the UN-

Schoolgirls during recess at a school in Beit Hannoun

holes caused by a bomb dropped nearby in the wall of a school in Zaitun

Damage caused by a bullet in the school in Khan Younis

In questi giorni si parla molto di scuola -giustamente!-. Essa è, oltre che il luogo dell’apprendimento, palestra di vita. Rappresenta, in qualche modo, la prima esperienza importante all’esterno della famiglia . Anche nella striscia di Gaza.
Alle 3.30 della notte tra l’8 e il 9 dicembre una bomba è caduta in un’area vicina ad una scuola nel quartiere di Zaitun, vicino Gaza.
I vetri delle finestre della facciata che dava sul luogo dell’esplosione sono andati in frantumi a causa dello spostamento d’aria, ed il custode, che a quell’ora stava dormendo e per fortuna non ha riportato ferite, è rimasto intrappolato per qualche ora nella sua stanza, perchè, sempre a causa dello spostamento d’aria, la porta è stata danneggiata. Spiega: «Il laboratorio di informatica e la libreria sono state completamente distrutte , il danno totale stimato è di cento mila dollari. Alcuni esperti sono venuti ad analizzare i danni e sostengono che si tratti di un nuovo tipo di bomba che non lascia crateri, ma procura il massimo del danno sulla superficie».
I bambini fanno 2 turni nelle scuole delle striscia, uno al mattino ed uno nel primo pomeriggio , perché non ci sono abbastanza edifici per farli stare tutti nella prima parte della giornata. Entrambi i turni dei bambini che frequentavano questa scuola a Zaitun faranno “vacanza” per una settimana, ma appare difficile che in questo tempo sia possibile rimediare completamente ai danni, e, senza le finestre, quando soffia il vento fa freddo anche qui .
La preside di una scuola più a nord, nell’area di Beit Hannoun, racconta che quando i soldati israeliani iniziano a sparare, le bambine e le ragazze urlano terrorizzate. Qui siamo vicino alla no-go zone imposta dagli israeliani, a qualche centinaio di metri dal confine, è possibile vedere la rete elettrificata del confine dal tetto. La preside spiega che spesso, in the classroom, from the border Israeli soldiers shoot sometimes have a specific goal but when do not have it and shoot at random in the area are also affected the walls of the school, creating a panic. When you have these actions, the students remain in school and not return home until the situation calms down, to avoid the risk of being injured. The raids with armored vehicles in front of the school instead happen about once a month, last Thursday was 9, and even this has created fear and turmoil in the school. "If I were to use an expression for I would describe our situation here, " keep our soul in our hands ", because any time anyone can be hurt. One child was wounded near this school, and once it happened that entering a class covers students lying on the ground and the teacher who covered them with her own body because they were afraid of the bullets that came through the windows. "
Teachers and students tell us that two years ago, molten lead just before the military offensive, Israeli soldiers had positioned tanks outside the school, have entered, they brought all the students and teachers from one part 'the other, keeping them locked up for some time before letting them free. The area between the border and the school has no visual obstructions, so the military can see perfectly well that they are shooting at a school.
A third grade girl in front of the camera says: "We are afraid, we have nightmares at night. We are children, and are forbidden to do this to us ".
near Khan Younis, south of the strip, there is another school where the situation is very different.
the morning is a state school women, while the afternoon is an UNRWA boys' school. The principal of the school in the morning said 2 episodes dating in early 2009 that describe the violence of the Israeli soldiers against these girls. These two students : one was walking back home across the street from the school and other one was listening to a lecture. The first was hit by a bullet to the knee , and still can not go for long walks, and can not bend the right knee, while the other was hit in the nose caused by a splinter from a hole bullet on the wall of his classroom. The headmaster tells how in both cases, the ambulance had difficulty reaching the accident site, because to get in must coordinate with the Israeli military authorities, and often permission is slow in coming.
The walls of this school are riddled with holes, mostly covered by stucco, but it's hard to imagine how it can take a lesson with the constant fear they start shooting. The dean: "We have exposed the UN flag on the roof: why the hell should soldiers shoot at a school?"
It is said that the experiences that we do during his childhood and youth are decisive in shaping the character and that schools are the first place to socialize outside the family, are indeed matters for the boys and girls the first experience outside the family.
But what personalities are forced to form in these areas? And what the world outside the family is proposed in this / boys / and? And what is the r eaction the international community?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Squirting Effect On Health

What can I say?
What I learned only today, after 18 days. What
, knowing the gravity of his situation, the news shocked me.
I prefer to play the part of the last to know the stupid things rather than make it appear as a choice to not averne parlato su questo blog.
Che vorrei aiutare i ragazzi di Vertigine nella loro battaglia quotidiana contro la stupidità e la miopia che dilaga ovunque ma, per quanto ci riguarda, specialmente a Sassuolo dove una delle più belle realtà dell'arrampicata giovanile italiana ha perso il suo punto di riferimento umano e adesso rischia di perdere pure quello fisico.
Che è morto Marco Castagnetti e con lui una parte dell'arrampicata italiana e uno dei fondatori del nostro circuito.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Suddenly Broke Out In Hives

360 less 61

The song I wake up to news.

Gaza - The Gaza Strip covers an area three hundred and sixty square kilometers of these sixty-demarcate a zone designated as "high risk" by an OCHA report ( Between the fence and hard to place - August 2010), where the "risk" we are talking about is for the Palestinians, to be crossed by an Israeli bullet.
The area follows the border of the Gaza Strip, for a range of 300 meters wide, was declared unilaterally " buffer zone" by Israel, and Israel itself actively prevents Palestinians from entering. In reality, however, the high risk area recognized by the report which is discussed above reaches 1000 - 1500 meters from the border, and throughout this area there are military actions and incursions by Israeli gunfire. It comprises just 17% of the territory of the strip and, more importantly, 35% of agricultural land.
The numbers of farmers leave their land. Jaber recounts: "When you start to cultivate can not arrive soon, expect the time of harvest or, if you have planted trees, waiting to be old enough to bear fruit. Then the Israelis come with tanks and, in minutes, destroying the work of months or years just a moment before they bear fruit. " For this reason agriculture in buffer zones is slowly waning, but no longer afford to invest in a land that will not be no fruit for too many years in a row.
Some farmers, in spite of this, go there again. The last we visited the hospital called Ahmad Sa'aed Qapeen, has 21 years, and the morning of December 9 was picking potatoes with his brother Sultan about 1500 meters from the border, within the territory of Gaza. According to his testimony a special corps of Israeli armed forces entered into the Palestinian territory near where he was. He ran away but was shot as he ran at the knee: the bullet shattered some bones of the leg before you go out and hit the leg of his brother Sultan, fortunately without causing damage to the bones in the latter case. "I think they were hidden somewhere in the area. When I saw them I ran away scared. "

leg Ahmad Sa'aed Qapeen taken on the afternoon of December 9
In this photo you see Ahmad's leg after the operation that fixed the bones the help of some iron bars. The story of Ahmad Sa'aed Qapeen, then, is emblematic for an 'other reason: three of his brothers have already been targets of the Israelis. Mahmud was wounded in 2004 during the Israeli raid, he was 18, while Sultan had already been wounded in the head in a non-major military offensive during the Lead Time. A
Ismael Sa'aed Qapeen, wounded Nov. 30, were amputated three fingers of his left foot, was not the first time he received the Israeli fire and there are many scars to prove it. Ismael That day he had gone near the border to collect stones and rubble crushed for resale as construction material, whose entry is forbidden by the siege. are many fathers of families, but also the underage boys, who go to the border to collect debris: Although everyone is aware of the danger, in many cases the lack of work due to siege leaves no alternative.
"I was about 200 meters from the border when I was fired without warning shots. At first I did not hear nothing, but after a few seconds I began to feel something at the bottom, then I realized that I had been shot. I lost consciousness. " His friends have room, put on a cart and taken to a location accessible from the ambulance, which then transported him to the hospital. Dozens of workers in the last month have been hit by Israeli fire: the family Sa'aed Qapeen is just one example.

Then, three hundred and sixty kilometers square under the authority of Gaza less than sixty-one "almost" under the authority of Gaza. Sixty square miles where the right ceases to exist. Because it is clear that the purpose of Israel is deliberately difficult to make the lives of civilians, even if it is contrary to international law, declaring a war crime to hit civilians, against international resolutions, which define the green line as the boundary .

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ikusa Otome Suvia Vol. 4 Watch

December 12, 2010: IV to stage MyWall of Mantua.

Ciao a tutti,
in attesa delle immagini e delle classifiche della terza tappa, svoltasi al Geko di Modena sabato 27 novembre, vi ricordiamo che domani, 12 dicembre 2010 , si terrà la QUARTA TAPPA del vostro amato Circuito alla bellissima palestra del My Wall di Mantova .

Il programma della giornata è il seguente:
  • Ore 10.30: apertura iscrizioni
  • Ore 11.00: inizio raduno, non stop fino alle
  • Ore 17.00: termine raduno
  • a seguire, finale e premiazioni

L'ingresso è di euro 15, comprensivi di buffet durante il raduno.

Iscrizioni e preiscrizioni via email

Per accedere al raduno è necessario compilare il modulo di iscrizione, scaricabile cliccando qui .

È Pre-registration strongly recommended , which consists in sending the application form, duly completed and signed at

Friday, December 3, 2010

Scooter Wheels Melbourne

Still shooting at civilians

This is the video of the event on Wednesday.

The first two days of the rally were injured six workers forced to go to the border to earn a viviere, the day after 3, 2 others in the following days, the last one was today.

Israel continues to fire on civilians disramati, although this is prohibited by international conventions.

It is normal, and there is no reaction.


Ahmed is a fisherman, and Khalid Mokles collect stones near the border with Israel, and Mohammed is the farmer. They are all 4 and civilians living in Gaza.
We found them in a hospital room with injuries of firearms.

It was 12:30 on 27 November.
Jarboh Ahmed Mahmoud is 26 years and makes the fisherman in Gaza. For over a year that fishing in the same area, one near the northern border of the strip, with a net that is pulled to shore by him and his two companions. It was just as he pulled the net ashore that Israeli soldiers from the control tower on the border he was shot in the leg, at first his friends escaped and then came back to take him to hospital, where he remained for several hours under observation.
Fishing is an important source of food for the besieged Gaza. For those out at sea to fish you can not get away from the shore more than 3 nautical miles, although the official limit established by the UN is 20 miles. If the fishermen away from the shore more than 3 nautical miles are seized by Israeli warships and taken to the Zionist jails, or will open fire on them. Consequently, the area immediately near the sea coast has very little fish, and fishermen are forced to approach the border north or south to reach a piece of sea where you can fish profitably.
Ahmed said: "For over a year I come here every day to fish. Soldiers from the control tower I can see forever. They know they are nothing more than a fisherman! There were no warning shots, I got shot directly in the leg. I have 2 children and are the only family to work: we have nothing except what I earn from fishing. "

the same day, between 2 and 3 in the afternoon, Israeli forces have shot Khalid Ashraf Abos. At 6 in the afternoon his condition still appeared critical: although the bullet had passed through his leg and was released, Khalid had a displaced fracture of the tibia and internal bleeding in progress. He trembled strongly and was unable to communicate, it was the older brother to tell us what happened.
The buffer zone is 300 m wide band along the border on the Palestinian side of the green line, was imposed by Israel and the Palestinians without access. A much larger portion of land, away from a mile to a mile Always on the Palestinian side of the green line is defined by a high-risk OCHA report: in this area are not uncommon bullets israeliani che colpiscono palestinesi.
Khalid stava raccogliendo pietre e resti di materiale edile da macerie di case distrutte a 500 metri dal confine. L'assedio imposto da Israele con la complicità dell'Egitto impedisce al materiale edile di entrare a Gaza legalmente, ed esso è necessario per costruire o ri-costruire case ed edifici. Inoltre la disoccupazione è alle stelle, e questo spinge molte persone a raccogliere macerie vicino al confine anche se questo lavoro comporta rischi altissimi.
Racconta il fratello: “Khalid si è sposato 8 mesi fa, e sta cercando di fare famiglia. Questo era il suo unico ingresso ed ha lavorato in quest'area negli ultimi 7 mesi. Sono sicuro che i soldati lo riconoscessero, e gli hanno sparato senza warning shots. "

Even Mokles Jawad al-Masri was doing the same job when he was shot. He's only 15 years, still goes to school and is the only one working in his family, where they are 17. They hit in the calf when he was 500 meters from the border, according to the doctors and heal in 2 months. It happened at 7 am on November 28 in the area of \u200b\u200bBeit Lahya, north of Gaza.
"Because of the siege there are many other possibilities for my family to survive. At home we are 17 and I earn a living collecting and selling sand. It is dangerous and I only earn 50 shekels (about 10 euro) per day, but it's the only thing I can do to help. I have an older brother, which is the last year of high school. I also go to school but they are only the ninth year, is still easy so I have more free time with my brother. He has to concentrate at school to have a good final grade, so it can not find a good job. "

Mohamad Khalil Zanin, however, is the farmer and his family has an olive grove. Mohammed is 21 years old, his father had a heart attack and half his body paralyzed, and he remained the only one to go to the olive grove: it must maintain three brothers in addition to his parents. He was shot while returning home at 10:30 am on Nov. 28. At the hospital, the bad fracture to heal, it was necessary to apply nails and a 6 protesi di ferro, che verranno tolti in alcuni mesi.
Secondo il rapporto dell'OCHA sopracitato circa il 35% delle terre coltivabili nella Striscia sono “ad alto rischio”: questo, in una situazione di assedio come quella di Gaza, significa incidere in maniera significativa sull'autosufficienza alimentare. L'attaccamento alla terra, sia come fonte di cibo che come rappresentazione delle radici culturali e familiari è fortissimo nella cultura Palestinese. L'ulivo in particolare ha un valore simbolico molto forte, perchè è una pianta resistente, ci mette diversi anni prima di dare frutto e sopravvive millenni.
“Credo di essermi trovato a 150 metri dal confine. È vicino, ma è la nostra terra. Abbiamo 100 trees to care for and this week I went in every day: the soldiers certainly have recognized me with their cameras, I do not understand why they shot him. Now I do not know what will happen, no one can go to the earth in me, and I do not want my family to threaten their lives. "

According to news agency Ma'an as well as documented cases was injured Nov. 27 a boy of twelve and twenty years of a November 28, while collecting the remains of both building materials and stones at the border.

injure or kill civilians is defined by international conventions on war crime.
It is extremely cynical, do not let other possibility to workers as well as to go near the border to try to earn a living and then shoot at it.

boycott Israel because they shoot at civilians.