I have some suspicions. that history will repeat itself.
Remember the good old days in which all Paralia e-learning?
the enthusiasm was soon replaced the scietticismo and rejection. Then, from its own ashes - news phoenix - a fresh start more considered, reflected, which is surrounded, repositioned, in context.
Reason? miraculous expectations, false promises, ipoerboli. So much smoke and little roast.
It is, therefore, spoke of "death of e-learning .
link E-learning has been called a " bandwagoon," a "buzzword . Word with which to fill his mouth; wagon to jump on.
Someone had also mentioned a gigantic advertising-supported media uncritically by the press only not to lose advertising revenue.
"> Printing and mass.media were accused of reviving the" benefits "without verification of the meaningfulness of what those who had a clear economic incentive to place the e-learning industry and the media had been charged to proclaim and sell the "benefits" without basing its claim on the research results and using language and arguments of the typical marketing.
From what I see around, I think that the same is happening about the magic slate:
- same emphasis on the miraculous properties
- same commercial pressure
- same thought same approximate
- travel to "put the hat"
But I think that the LIM (like all other technologies) will find their raison d'ĂȘtre only when they will be forgotten and will not be in the middle of the speech and talk about just teaching and learning. Using it, if and when needed, PC, chalk, books, lim, the old and expensive lesson, direct, teamwork, the game .......
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