briefly summarize the second part, so he approached the issue from one perspective, for me, new one criminal - court. The causes of many critical issues are, according to the experience in the field of Fiorentino:
- tendency to create highly customized profiles
- little attention to the protection of the password
- ignorance of the rules of civilized life
- tendency to underestimate the consequences of their actions
- defamation web
- creating fake profiles of teachers
- Virtual bullying at the expense of fellow
- crimes involving the sexual sphere (with amateur porn stars minor offense of child pornography)
convincing - for the purpose of prevention - the narrative of the procedures being taken to "flush out" - with effect from the IP access - the offender. How very appropriate to underscore the implications of certain criminal conduct, often activated, as if to say ... "good faith", ie with little or no perception of what they are really doing.
Other message certainly past careful guys, sooner or later you up! reactions: in staring eyes, the terror of the boys, lips curled in a smirk of teachers. One of my perception of the impact of our two speeches in the auditorium: I think it is "past" of the approach more "police" that the "teaching-learning", a sign that the real "educational emergency", cited in all institutional interventions, seems to have the criminal-legal connotation than that in teaching methods. am certainly convinced that we should worry about some of our young people and deviant behavior that is particularly timely, at least, a widespread information on the work of their implications, but do of these facts the real "educational emergency" of our school, it seems excessive.
At least one reason: those are our evil youths who commit crimes? Let's say the 5 - 10% (although this was not just the data, I do not know)? And for the other 90 to 95% there is no other "emergency"? teachers to understand that (but for how many, really?) Bullying and defamation are facts that can touch them directly and that the improvement of teaching is an issue alive and not so urgent, but - risking a psychological interpretation, I do not want it to be easier (less painful?) shift the blame and interventions sull’altro (il ragazzo) che portarla (e sopportarla) su di sè. Un classico meccanismo di difesa.
Un aneddoto divertente per chiudere in allegria: a tavola con un gruppo di dirigenti della rete nazionale di scuole che ha organizzato l’evento ci si confrontava sui temi del seminario e, tra questi, se i ragazzi si dovessero alzare o meno dalla sedia al momento dell’ingresso dell’insegnante. Sembrava prevalere la tesi della rispettosa alzata. Unica voce fuori dal coro quella di dirigente di un ente che ha detto: “per me non è importante che i ragazzi si alzino quando entro, ma che stiano seduti dopo”.
in one city,
in one country,
in one universe,
live in one world is
prison. Knowing only one language
one job only a costume
one civilization
know a logical
is prison.
Ndjock Ngan
(Cameroonian poet)
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