On 14 and 15 September at the University 'of Rome Tor Vergata - ScuolaIaD will host the first edition of DULP:
D Design Inspired Learning
U Ubiquitous Learning
L for Liquid Learning Places
P for Person Centred Design in Place
The theme?
"Ubiquitous Learning in Liquid Learning Places: Challenging Technologies, Rethinking Pedagogy, Being inspired design."
The press launch will be noted that: " the euphoria passed, fifteen years from the explosion of the Internet is time for critical reflection, research of the Grand Challenge for Technology Enhanced Learning. ..... a common thread that Piaget, Vygotsky and Dewey comes up today seems to suggest that the Holy Grail of education can be identified with the definition of a pedagogical-technological framework capable of operating practices and reconsider the idea of \u200b\u200btraining in order to offer support to forms of learning that are taking a nature of time, space and cultural and increasingly ubiquitous taking place in increasingly fluid and coevolutionary - organic -
Important dates March 12 preliminary announcement (call for papers Preliminary) April 20 last ad (Last call for paper)
May 15 Deadline for submission of contributions
acceptance of contributions Communication June 15 June 20 Beginning early registration (Early registration) on June 30 in the final submission by 15 July
Start recording postponed (Late registration)
14 and 15 September '09 DULP
Topics of interest to DULP '09
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- analysis of today's "learning space" physical and virtual, and the educational processes that take place
- reflections on the changes induced by post-modernity on the learning process, the teaching practices and their relationship with technology
- theoretical perspectives for DULP
- design, prototyping and evaluation of artifacts, spaces and virtual environments for the sensitive DULP
- field testing of processes, procedures and operational methods for DULP
- mode 'advanced monitoring and evaluation processes and learners DULP
- contextualization and personalization of DULP
- impact, social acceptability, sustainability and economic psychophysical DULP
not yet heard of a site website for the event
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