we lack, until recently, the guerrillas. Now the group is full. Here, then, the Italian school in the vision of this government to the mouth of two of its best minds, the well-known to the society news and Renato Mariastella ubiquitous even in the magazines of the family.
Here's how the school communicates with a large input of resources, in the Italian media. Here's how to build the public image of our school.
a criminal conspiracy. That would be well confined in the nation's prisons. Not being able to do, places to stay so pleasant already fully-booked for minor offenders (compared with those of ours), it causes the "sweet death", death by asphyxiation. A little 'funding in less than yesterday, a bit' of temporary workers have not been renewed today, a little 'jobs for researchers not put out to tender tomorrow.
A bit 'at a time the Italian school will go out alone, in silence and in a state of drunkenness. Perhaps, even with a smile in his mouth.
A coherent strategy and pursued with determination. Jeer to devalue and to justify the "ethnic cleansing".
What meaning to give, otherwise, for the present as a success of this government and its far-sighted policy school, the high percentage di 5 in condotta? Una prova che basta dare alla polizia scolastica i mezzi adeguati (grembiulino, voto in condotta, bocciature) e tutto il marcio della scuola viene a galla.
Avete visto con quale compiaciuto sorriso (quello non le manca mai, lo avete notato?) la ministra ha presentato i dati sui 5 in condotta e sulle insufficienze?
Non ci resta che contare ancora una volta sulla resilienza di tanti decenti, buoni, ottimi insegnanti perché la scuola, a dispetto di governi, ministri e dirigenti, vada – comunque – avanti.
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