Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spells On Becoming A Wolf

This blog has moved

This blog has moved

A little 'I'm sorry to turn your back on Blogger who helped me back in September 2007 to move my first steps as a blogger, but sometimes a change is good.

who had signed the feed via Feedburner, Blogger will automatically re-directed to this new site. March 29, 2009

Now only publish the new platform.

thank all 23,625 visitors have passed here before in Besides e-learning and after in Learning (with and without technology)

I hope the conversation continues and evolves. For this I have a blog integrated into the new forum. Each new post automatically generate a new "topic" in the forums and using its features will be easier to talk to grips on the issues on which I write.

thank the brilliant Giovanni Polimeni ( ), deep conositore of WP, which assisted me in this effort.

arrive, and then in the new environment

Saturday, March 28, 2009

What's In A Wonderball

The fundamental freedoms on the Internet

E 'for two days (3.26) is the European Parliament resolution on strengthening of security and fundamental freedoms on the Internet that provides free ambiguity of the concept that the Internet is today one of the key to freedom of thought and expression to people and calls on member states to enact legislation consistent with these principles. In summary
( Corriere della Sera on-line ):
1) Internet "gives full meaning to the definition of freedom di espressione»;
2) «può rappresentare una straordinaria possibilità per rafforzare la cittadinanza attiva»;
3) il monitoraggio del traffico web «non può essere giustificato dalla lotta al crimine»;
4) l’accesso a internet «non dovrebbe essere rifiutato come sanzione dai governi o dalle società private»

Mi auguro che piccoli politici nostrani si rendano conto che mettere le mutande ad internet è mettersi fuori dalla storia,

Grazie a Maria Grazia Fiore per l'input

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Un flash da Lo studente nel villaggio globale. Uso consapevole, opportunitá e criticitá di Internet. Strategie per educatori, famiglie e utenti . A Brescia, il 27 marzo a cura di AFGP Centro Artigianelli e Scuola Centrale di Formazione. Due, sostanzialmente, gli approcci: quello affidato a me intorno ai rischi ed alle opportunità educative. Il secondo affidato ad Antonio Fiorentino, della Polizia di Stato, servizio Polizia Postale. Del mio intervento non dirò nulla: chi frequenta questo blog conosce il mio pensiero e non ho dettpo nulla di trascendentale se non situare concetti ed idee che rimastico abitualmente. Qui , btw, le slide.
briefly summarize the second part, so he approached the issue from one perspective, for me, new one criminal - court.
The causes of many critical issues are, according to the experience in the field of Fiorentino:
  • tendency to create highly customized profiles
  • little attention to the protection of the password
  • ignorance of the rules of civilized life
  • tendency to underestimate the consequences of their actions
This series of crimes committed or suffered by children
  • defamation web
  • creating fake profiles of teachers
  • Virtual bullying at the expense of fellow
  • crimes involving the sexual sphere (with amateur porn stars minor offense of child pornography)
very clear and effective exposure of the police: in addition to precise and detailed exposition of the crime charged with the punishment of imprisonment and pecuniary, presentation, even with crude language and direct, of cases handled by him personally and the examination of the implications, not only economic and image for the entire family of the young people involved (usually the father the holder of the contract for Internet access and, therefore, he is the first to be written in the book of the suspects ... ..).
convincing - for the purpose of prevention - the narrative of the procedures being taken to "flush out" - with effect from the IP access - the offender.
How very appropriate to underscore the implications of certain criminal conduct, often activated, as if to say ... "good faith", ie with little or no perception of what they are really doing.
Other message certainly past careful guys, sooner or later you up!
reactions: in staring eyes, the terror of the boys, lips curled in a smirk of teachers. One of my perception of the impact of our two speeches in the auditorium: I think it is "past" of the approach more "police" that the "teaching-learning", a sign that the real "educational emergency", cited in all institutional interventions, seems to have the criminal-legal connotation than that in teaching methods. am certainly convinced that we should worry about some of our young people and deviant behavior that is particularly timely, at least, a widespread information on the work of their implications, but do of these facts the real "educational emergency" of our school, it seems excessive.

At least one reason: those are our evil youths who commit crimes? Let's say the 5 - 10% (although this was not just the data, I do not know)? And for the other 90 to 95% there is no other "emergency"?
teachers to understand that (but for how many, really?) Bullying and defamation are facts that can touch them directly and that the improvement of teaching is an issue alive and not so urgent, but - risking a psychological interpretation, I do not want it to be easier (less painful?) shift the blame and interventions sull’altro (il ragazzo) che portarla (e sopportarla) su di sè. Un classico meccanismo di difesa.
Un aneddoto divertente per chiudere in allegria: a tavola con un gruppo di dirigenti della rete nazionale di scuole che ha organizzato l’evento ci si confrontava sui temi del seminario e, tra questi, se i ragazzi si dovessero alzare o meno dalla sedia al momento dell’ingresso dell’insegnante. Sembrava prevalere la tesi della rispettosa alzata. Unica voce fuori dal coro quella di dirigente di un ente che ha detto: “per me non è importante che i ragazzi si alzino quando entro, ma che stiano seduti dopo”.



in one city,
in one country,
in one universe,
live in one world is
prison. Knowing only one language

one job only a costume
one civilization
know a logical
is prison.

Ndjock Ngan

(Cameroonian poet)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Southampton Gay Saunas

educational courses and resorts: by e-learning to

I have some suspicions.
that history will repeat itself.

Remember the good old days in which all Paralia e-learning?
the enthusiasm was soon replaced the scietticismo and rejection. Then, from its own ashes - news phoenix - a fresh start more considered, reflected, which is surrounded, repositioned, in context.
Reason? miraculous expectations, false promises, ipoerboli. So much smoke and little roast.
It is, therefore, spoke of "death of e-learning .
link E-learning has been called a " bandwagoon," a "buzzword . Word with which to fill his mouth; wagon to jump on.
Someone had also mentioned a gigantic advertising-supported media uncritically by the press only not to lose advertising revenue.
"> Printing and were accused of reviving the" benefits "without verification of the meaningfulness of what those who had a clear economic incentive to place the e-learning industry and the media had been charged to proclaim and sell the "benefits" without basing its claim on the research results and using language and arguments of the typical marketing.
From what I see around, I think that the same is happening about the magic slate:
  • same emphasis on the miraculous properties
  • same commercial pressure
  • same thought same approximate
  • travel to "put the hat"
What I think is the least changed is the speed of reaction to the hoax: there is already talk of LIM 2.o to indicate a difference of understanding and using the instrument with respect to what was done in the (recent ) past.

But I think that the LIM (like all other technologies) will find their raison d'être only when they will be forgotten and will not be in the middle of the speech and talk about just teaching and learning. Using it, if and when needed, PC, chalk, books, lim, the old and expensive lesson, direct, teamwork, the game .......

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Serina Snelling Hooters

LIM Soon migro

Soon this blog platform change and migration on WoordPress to a new URL. Who signed the feed with Feedburner, should have no problem in finding the notifications for new posts.
change to have a greater platform performance and for having a server that I control.
WordPress will allow me also to have a more "collaborative". Updates

Long Dong Silver Movie

I Draw? Learn? LIM

Sometimes a old post can re-create thoughts and insights. The pretext was the SCORM, its meaning in the light of learning, cost-benefit analysis.
I, with my usual spirit of ecumenism, I argued that the SCORM does not do anything, that does not help us at all in determining what a person has learned, it's just an additional cost (in the development of the already useless - to me - Learning Object).
More specifically argued that the tracking is made possible by a scormizzare LO did not give any useful information to determine whether a person and what he learned.
Obviously, my ideas behind these there was and there is a whole idea of \u200b\u200bwhat learning is and what it makes sense to hope for that to occur.
That post had already generated then a series of comments by Antonio Fini and Gigi Cogo, comments bounced on Facebook.
Massimiliano Ferrari has dusted off that old post from February BEGINNING sostenedo the validity of teaching and SCORM tracking; counterargument Lorenz Toniolo close to my position (to short). Ferrari has also written on his blog with the tasty title Blog Wars

In that post I commented that I sostenedo tracing has the same sense of "presence" of a student in the classroom: the fact that a person is present in court is simply saying that in there and not elsewhere, which is five hours sitting on a chair and that, well that goes, "listen" who is talking, and often it is just watching the air numb. The presence in the classroom not tells us nothing about what the person has learned (should be clarified what it means to "learn").

Ditto for tracing. In fact, here the trick is even easier and easier. You can click eating a sandwich or watching TV, you can click on a person ... complacent.
will say that there are always evaluation tests.

But what measure the classical multiple choice test, a drag-and-drop to completion?
Very little. Unless some form of storage.

should therefore be measured on the idea that we are all learning (which does not coincide with the teaching because the teaching non consegue necessariamente l’apprendimento).

Si dovrebbe, anche, esplicitare le ragioni per cui facciamo formazione: formiamo per la memorizzazione e la ripetizione (in tanta scuola si fa esattamente così)?
Io preferirei formare per la comprensione, per l’ “apprendimento autentico”.
Non mi interessa sapere, soprattutto nella formazione degli adulti, cosa una persona ha imparato al termine di un corso ma cosa, una volta tornata al lavoro, saprà fare con le cose che imparato.
Si potrebbe introdurre anche il concetto di “valutazione autentica”, ma il discorso si farebbe lungo. Magari riprendo al cosa in un nuovo post.

Christmas Birthday Cartoons

to CREMIT, the materials of the seminar

I reported here on the widely held at the Catholic seminary on LIM - CREMIT on 6 March.

Here account the initial part of the event with the participation of former School INDIRE Tosi Agency. Interesting (or disturbing?) Numbers.

Here I have summarized the responses and Antonietti Rivoltella

Here resume the monitoring report on the project DiGiScuola LIM by Gloria Sisini

Here I wrote my "conclusions" (that is what I learned )

are now online, the site of CREMIT , the materials of the seminar.

Thank you, therefore, to Caesar's Pier and the entire team Rivoltella CREMIT

Monday, March 23, 2009

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Siptech, Italian Society of Clinical Psychotechnologies and New Media

For me as a psychologist and that deals with technology (even if only in and for education), the discovery of the existence of Siptech - Italian Society of Clinical Psychotechnologies and New Media opens new horizons. Why? The perspective from which the company looks to technology is extremely important at this time of explosion of technology use, a use not always governed and aware. Approach the issue, at least by people like me who does it professionally, in a more rich and detailed, can not do good to me and to my clients. The
Siptech , coma from their website, " .... is for the purpose of promoting and encouraging the study, research, updating, training and teaching of issues and aspects of psychological, psychosocial and psychopathological linked to the spread of new information technologies and communication .
A portal full of resources: materials, bibliography, useful links, contacts ...
Siptech Facebook is also busy with his "group"

I'd like to be part of the tour, I wonder if my question is welcome ....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

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methods and techniques. AIFA Veneto

A new initiative OFI School of Veneto, the seminar entitled "Proposals and problems in methodological approaches and teaching." A seminar on "conceptual" to address the issue of how through "methods" and "techniques" you can give quality education to action. Part Maria Antonia Piva, manager of the school Duca degli Abruzzi Treviso with "The method: definitions and problems." I follow, in turn, I with "Teaching and learning with technology, the transmission of information to the construction of knowledge." Arena Introduces
Filipino workers and coordinating a brilliant Elisabetta Gonzo
Professor Piva, a competent management and with clear ideas, as well as having presented an excellent theoretical framework around the "method", has highlighted and confirmed things for nothing obvious in the teaching practice as not necessarily follow that teaching and automatically, that many "methods" have become weakened real mode (such as the "form"), that school autonomy has often acted as quantitative management of content: what to add, what to remove, and that the educational proposals that have invaded the school have been many but very few have taken root in the daily teaching with the consequent waste of resources and frustration with teachers who believed in it. Note finally that it is true that young people are unmotivated to learn, but only in school because in real life they are, and how .... (Here I am reminded of research on how young people learn internet .
Another acute observation (a pity not to have thought, I, first): Today a guy 17 to 18 years is already an adult, has extended its experience and expertise, has its own expectations. We can not use him with the teaching methods used with children and young people. I'm not a tabula rasa, but holders of expert knowledge. It suggests, therefore, to apply the approaches to education andragogy school, at least for students three years. One hypothesis that I find intriguing and deserves to be explored even if, in some respects, I see many points of contact between pedagogy and andragogy.
My intervention was intended to draw a theoretical framework for teaching with technology. Here slides.

Blisters On Top Of Gums

New trends in teaching of Science and Technology

One month after the event (April 21 to 12) in Modena, raise the interesting comvegno organized by the University of Modena, SSIS, new trends in teaching Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics and Technology. Approaches have come from the educational research carried out by researchers of international standing. These Topics will cover the whole educational process tentatively from primary to secondary school level.
On April 24, 2009, as a satellite event of the Conference will present some examples of non-standard teaching techniques for the Teaching of Mathematics, Physics and Integrated Science as the "The Science in Motion" of the Ducati Foundation, the Mathematical Machines for Teaching Mathematics, the course "Science in the City" developed by researchers at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and the path "Galeiana. Thick

the parterre and prestigious event, David Jonassen, Ton de Jong, Lucio Guasti, Rose Marra.

Here detailed program

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I- Catcher-web Monitor

A school bullies, slackers and rebels

we lack, until recently, the guerrillas. Now the group is full. Here, then, the Italian school in the vision of this government to the mouth of two of its best minds, the well-known to the society news and Renato Mariastella ubiquitous even in the magazines of the family.
Here's how the school communicates with a large input of resources, in the Italian media. Here's how to build the public image of our school.
a criminal conspiracy. That would be well confined in the nation's prisons. Not being able to do, places to stay so pleasant already fully-booked for minor offenders (compared with those of ours), it causes the "sweet death", death by asphyxiation. A little 'funding in less than yesterday, a bit' of temporary workers have not been renewed today, a little 'jobs for researchers not put out to tender tomorrow.
A bit 'at a time the Italian school will go out alone, in silence and in a state of drunkenness. Perhaps, even with a smile in his mouth.
A coherent strategy and pursued with determination. Jeer to devalue and to justify the "ethnic cleansing".
What meaning to give, otherwise, for the present as a success of this government and its far-sighted policy school, the high percentage di 5 in condotta? Una prova che basta dare alla polizia scolastica i mezzi adeguati (grembiulino, voto in condotta, bocciature) e tutto il marcio della scuola viene a galla.
Avete visto con quale compiaciuto sorriso (quello non le manca mai, lo avete notato?) la ministra ha presentato i dati sui 5 in condotta e sulle insufficienze?
Non ci resta che contare ancora una volta sulla resilienza di tanti decenti, buoni, ottimi insegnanti perché la scuola, a dispetto di governi, ministri e dirigenti, vada – comunque – avanti.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

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Skifidol-puzz, the figurines with the smell more 'stinker

Qualcosa che definire raccapricciante è poco. Spero che non abbiate mangiato just because .... I read an hour ago by ANSA:

C 'is Mirkone Marcion Sboccadibotto Otto, Christian and Vespasian, among others, Bruce Pus. They are the Skif Card, the latest fad among the young: figurines depicting horrible monsters which, if rubbed, emit foul smells. ................ Gedis The newspaper, which produces them, has just created 150 new Skifidol "stinking more and more powerful." "There are so many characters to collect all", is the presentation of the publishing house, adding: "I am very rude, but you do scompisciare. On sale at the price of one euro, each package contains four figures, including a Skif-Puzz marked by stylized a gas mask. One wipe and the paper smells of various kinds. "With the Skif-Cards you can now really let yourself go - you read on the website of these original cards - and challenge your friends with the stinking smell more ...".

And we have to worry about our kids in that class use the phone?
And these guys are all committed to producing culture, what do we do? We put them on the wall? Indignation is not enough

Installing A Closet Bar On Slanted Wall

Integration between Moodle and Google Apps Education

According to a note that Google is operational integration between web applications and Google Apps Education Moodle.
Integration between the two applications, Google said, turns the school into a real community Web 2.0, in line with expectations and habits of the new digital natives and the needs of a more modern way of learning, stimulating and effective, as well as the necessary cost control. "
Meanwhile, says the company continues to adopt Google Apps by the Italian universities: the recently adopted version of Education from the University of Turin, has been extended to ten Italian universities, with a number of Google Apps account that exceeds 80,000.
Google Apps Education Edition is a suite of integrated communication and collaboration free and fully hosted on the Google's servers (no hardware, no software to install locally), including: Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Talk, Google Sites, Google Docs and Google Video. All services can be employed using the web domain of the school / college.

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What goes around, the aspects

That is, microsociology (polenta and sausages) of family relationships. That is, who controls whom.
What happened to me?
As every parent of a teenager minimally attentive to the education of children, some attempt to make children aware of the implications of certain pipelines I do it with alter results. One of the issues on which I dwell is - obvious - the use (reckless, compulsive, invasive ...) of the Internet. They are not, however, never reached the "prohibition", let alone the adoption of measures materials like throwing in the trash the PC and modem attached.
The young (17 years) was impractical as it passes through the lesson and my office is launching a sarcastically, "you want to see an open window on Facebook?". He is not on FB, perhaps because it believes it crazy enough for a family.
However, this morning, after days of absence due to work I turn the computer study, I connect to the Internet, download email, look at the latest Reuters news and, finally, Facebook.
But I can not access. The URL is blocked !!!!!!! Here's the funny
feedback message:

Attempt to Accept Blocked Pages by URL Filtering Control!!
Have You tried to access the web site That is not allowed by the URL Filtering Control.
To access the website, please login the router and change the URL Filter Firewall configuration under the

The Infamous was more cynical and sadistic father (thus adhering to my order: "children should be better than the fathers") and, since the government of the router has been delegated to him and since no is just a fool when it comes to computers, has seen fit to give me a lesson by activating a filter .....

For now, will bypass his "ban" using the phone and when he returns from school ...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Slightly High Hemoglobin

Collaborative Knowledge Building Group in Congress

A month at the Second Congress of CKBG, Collaborative Knowledge Building Group.
This event takes place every two years (this year in Milan, the Catholic 17 and April 18) on the formation in online environments, with particular attention to collaborative learning environments and technologies that support it.
The event's main aim is to create spaces for meeting and discussion where you can bring out synergistic connections between research, school e aziende.
Per questa seconda edizione ci si focalizzerà sulle implicazioni dell’innovazione tecnologica in diversi contesti d’uso, da quelli formativi a quelli legati alla cultura giovanile.
Le tematiche oggetto della call, chiusa da tempo, riguardano sia contributi teorici che resoconti di esperienze d’uso, su questi temi:
• Esperienze di innovazione tecnologica
• Innovazione supportata dalla tecnologia nei contesti formativi e professionali
• Progettazione e sperimentazione di ambienti tecnologici innovativi
• Modelli innovativi di comunità
• Aspetti innovativi dell’e-learning, blended learning, m-learning
• Domotica, Smart Phone and psycho-social aspects of everyday life
and electronic publishing
• Wiki • Blog and Social Networking
• Virtual reality and robotics education

To note the presence among the invited speakers of Salja and Roger Michel Cole two significant figures in the international scientific debate on Houman Development in the socio-cultural perspective. The Collaborative Knowledge

builing Group to create a community stems from the exchange of ideas and collaboration between researchers who are interested in training in on-line environment. The project was conceived by people united by passion for and interest in collaborative learning technology environments can support it. The community used to support cooperation Knowledge Forum (now at version 4.7) developed by the research group headed by Canadian Marlene Scardamalia and Carl Bereiter , with which the Group has developed a partnership in particular the phase of internationalization of this project. Here
other event information (including enrollment, 90 for non-members euretti CKBG

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Adolescents do not waste time on the Internet

And 'This is the conclusion of a dei più importanti studi estensivi sugli adolescenti americani e sull'uso che fanno di internet. Questo studio, durato tre anni, che ha coinvolto 800 adolescenti ed ha visto 5000 ore di osservazione, dimostra che stando online questi giovani sviluppano importanti abilità sociali e tecniche, e spesso lo fanno in modi che che gli adulti non comprendo o a cui non attribuiscono valore.
La ricerca Kids' Informal Learning with Digital Media: An Ethnographic Investigation of Innovative Knowledge Cultures è stata realizzata per conto della Fondazione Mac Arthur alla University of Southern California and University of California, Berkeley.
Qui i report .

Queste le principali evidenze:
- Le technologies (...) are the new tools of youth culture
- You become adults, it acquires autonomy, identity is constructed using new worlds to communicate, to make friends, play and self-expression
- Adults believe that this is a waste of time, while young people find these activities challenging and important
- The digital world is creating new opportunities to grapple with the social, explore interests, develop technical skills, experiment with new forms of self-expression
- ... and allows the development of technical skills and expertise in a social context of non-school learning
- We learn in freedom and autonomy, con motivazione , in modo auto-diretto e guidati dall’interesse, con modalità peer-teaching e peer-feedback
- Tutto questo ha anche un impatto benefico sull’autostima

Ciò che voglio evidenziare è l'approccio all'apprendimento che questi piccoli diavoli dimostrano:
- imparano con estremo interesse ed impegno
- fanno tutta la fatica che serve per imparare
- apprendono in modo auto-diretto
- apprendono per uno scopo
- apprendono in connessione con altri
- usano strategie che noi tecnici potremo chiamare di peer-teaching e peer-tutoring
- sono orgogliosi di ciò che hanno appreso
- sanno monitorare il proprio apprendimento
- sono riconosciuti all'interno the community for what they know.

I wonder they behave so well in school? If not, of course, why? Why are not CONCERNED UNDER
to nothing?
Why do not they want to learn?
Why not have a "study method"?
Why do not they want to make trouble?
Why are not certain? Why
have, at best, limited cognitive and metacognitive?

I tell you: school is school, life outside is another thing.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Printable Birthday Cards With Motorcycles On It

MoodleMoot in Turin, in the closing call

As I said, this year in Turin for MoodleMoot, 8 and 9 May, the University, guests of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences and Department of Computer Science.

The call will close on Monday 23 March. This
themes: *
dissemination and use of Moodle in schools of all levels
* distribution and use of Moodle for training
* distribution and use of Moodle in Public Administration and industry teaching experience

* * comparisons between Moodle and other tools to support teaching and experience
* software aspects: development of modules, API, functionality, use of non-standard modules and integrations
* Hardware aspects: scalability, configuration, technology solutions to optimize the use
* case study: experiences of using

Here of the site.

I'll be there and I will listen to sensible and having nothing new to tell. I'm not going to turn over, with a sprinkling of pepper, my usual stuff.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Best Way To Break A Bone

SchoolBookCamp Malaspina Castle

Segnalo Bracamp truly dedicated digital publishing, the book-School Camp organized by dynamin Noa Carpignano . The event will take place at Malaspina Castle in Fosdinovo 22 and May 23.

Here Barcamp details.

From the site of the camp: "SchoolBookcamp This will involve all those who are interested in rethinking both the nature of textbooks as well as to reposition the content that breaks the linear structure of the creation, distribution, use, and burst the circularity of rete.Intende therefore involve all possible stakeholders of a future - present - educational publishing world. "

the charming location, the castle Malaspina Fosdinovo which is a medieval town situated atop a hill, between the Cinque Terre and Versilia, at the foot of the Apuan Alps. Lunigiana, also called the land of a hundred castles, offers courses turistici ed enogastronomici imperdibili, per cui gli organizzatori consigliano di fermarti anche la domenica e approfittare del weekend per una bella gita.

I posti disponibili sono solo 120 ed io mi sono già "prenotato".

Da detrattore dei così detti "contenuti digitali" avrò certamente la possibilità di confrontarmi con i loro "sponsor". Margini di contatto credo ce ne siano (es. il costo ridotto rispetto al contenuto "stampato", l'accessibilità), purchè non li si propongano come l'ennesima "innovazione" della scuola.

Mi piacerebbe, quindi, potermi confrontare - ad esempio - sul tema del ruolo dei contenuti nell'apprendimento e nella didattica.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What Can I Take To Get Rid Of My Sinus Headache

Mario Agati is a big: after LIM surrendered

Mario Agati, the keepers of the famous blog "Chapinering Wild Web" (renamed "technology to grow") has reached the pinnacle of his thinking and his narrative. This was done with the post "After the LIM I surrender" with a delicious story where defenses and inhibitions no longer manifests its existential despair of a teacher who has always believed, with a detached and critical thinking, technology.

... ... ... ... ... .... When the exile cabinet that camp tired ... ... .. it slipped to the ground ... ... ... ... .. la cartellina color preservativo del recente convegno sulle LIM. Ci sono stato a quel convegno qualche giorno fa. Con l’ispettore, e il provveditore, e il fresco dirigente promosso per parentali meriti , e lo stuolo incravattato di periferici epigoni di guro ipermediali. A vendere se stessi e le nuove certezze di una nuova rivoluzione didattica che avverrà grazie alla profusione di mirabolanti lavagne interattive in ogni quando e in ogni dove.
A turno, con l’immancabile rosario di slides dalle scrittine blu e col sorriso incollato da entusiasmo prezzolato , i gurettini de noialtri ci hanno annunciato il verbo: …………………
These are the same fearless orations that uttered decades ago for the education of promising magic word, and then the hypertext, then the programs author, and then HTML, and then flash technology, and then to powerpoint and then to moviemaker and then to moodle, and then ... and then the socialnetwork
Meanwhile, the school (top) remained exactly the same. The site of the oratory and imperishable front of the liturgy.

Read it all in the blog. Di Mario Agati.
invogliatelo And not to give up. God forbid. But we do not miss it. I'm sure. Stay with us. More and more pissed. More and more disheartened. But not giving up ever. Continue imperturbable to torture us with his critical consciousness.
Bold is mine.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Clear Fluid Not Urine Underwear


education becomes punk? Or, you can have a punk approach to education? The question arose about the use of educational technology and, in short, an institutional approach contrasts with the acquisition of technology with a staff, do-it-yourself (DIY).
If the community is discussing IT Forum
The term EDUPUNK has launched the Jim Groom in his blog in May 2008 and has quickly impressed many educational theorists, groups, discussion lists, that is, non qui da noi, oramai un termine che ha preso il volo ed un concetto ampiamente dibattuto. Un vero e proprio "movimento".
Il New York Times lo ha definito "an approach to teaching that avoids mainstream tools like Powerpoint and Blackboard, and instead aims to bring the rebellious attitude and D.I.Y. ethos of ’70s bands like the Clash to the classroom.
Il movimento Edupunk nasce negli States come reazione ai programmi governativi di Bush di "normalizzare" l'uso didattico delle tecnologie impacchettandole in applicazioni chiuse ed avviando, in buona sostanza, un approccio commerciale all'educazione.
L'essenza filosofico-culturale del movimento Edupunk è stata ben sintetizzata da Stephen Downes :
- a reaction to the commercialization of learning;
- an attitude of making on their own (do-it-yourself)
- to think and learn for themselves
Related Concepts could include:
democratic education - education libertarian
self-directed learning - learner-centered education
- deschooling
In a recent series of video called Edupunk Battle Royale, EDUCAUSE has relaunched the debate by comparing / Tim Groom clash with Gardner Campbell, director of the 'Academy for Teaching and Learning at Baylor University. The battle is in progress.

I almost launched a group on FB ....

eLearn Magazine
- T he Chronicle of Higher Education raised in the debate these days
- The Chronicle of Higher Education at the beginning of the debate
- Wikipedia

Lindsey Dawn Mckinsey

Adolescents and the Internet, a paper

I came across an interesting paper (to be published on "Current Directions in Psychological Science" which discusses the social consequences of Internet use by adolescents. I have written Patti M. Valkenburg and Peter Joachen University of Amsterdam , Amsterdam School of Communications Research.
After considering an extensive literature Links and longitudinal studies have been made have come to the formulation of what they call "The Internet-enhanced self-disclosure hypotesis, the improvement due to the use of the Internet, the skill to tell the social self and to establish effective social relations.
Unlike what has been shown by studies on the subject made in the 90s (which supported the hypothesis of the negative impact of the use of communication technologies), the most recent studies show the opposite effect.
What the authors has caused this reversal of impact is the wider use which is now making the interaction on-line (due to greater accessibility to the PC and the network, their best performances, the type of social network environments available) that makes possible an intense interaction between people that is known is that the interaction mediated by technology is not just another resource for young people to interact with each other.
Studies "old" showed that the Internet motivate young people to weave superficial relations, to spend time with strangers, to reduce the social and welfare as teenagers. These are the "reductive effect" (reduction effects). At that time most of a person's social network was still off-line and off-line relationships were kept separate from those online. 11% of young people online has passed, now 84% and the dynamics are radically changed. According to the study subject in connection with the facilitation of on-line and almost the entire personal network is also online, staying online not only reduces, but does increase the connection and social welfare. This is because, according to the authors, the increased capacity for self-told through the means of interaction online.
The assumptions of their hypothesis, then, are:
- the online communication stimulates
her story - the story on-line increases the quality of the relationship
- the highest quality della relazione migliora il benessere degli adolescenti.
Questo primo studio evidenzia le tematiche che necessiterebbero di un ulteriore investigazione e se cioè questo effetto sia correlato al tipo di tecnologia usato, al tipo di uso che se ne fa, al genere, alla così detta ansietà sociale.
Gli autori non escludono che l’interazione on-line possa generare cyber-bullismo, abuso sessuale, comportamento aggressivo dovuto alla ridotta inibizione ad essa associata.
Il paper completo lo trovate qui

Are Men Affected By Hpv

DULP 09 at Tor Vergata

On 14 and 15 September at the University 'of Rome Tor Vergata - ScuolaIaD will host the first edition of DULP:

D Design Inspired Learning
U Ubiquitous Learning
L for Liquid Learning Places
P for Person Centred Design in Place

The theme?
"Ubiquitous Learning in Liquid Learning Places: Challenging Technologies, Rethinking Pedagogy, Being inspired design."

The press launch will be noted that: " the euphoria passed, fifteen years from the explosion of the Internet is time for critical reflection, research of the Grand Challenge for Technology Enhanced Learning. ..... a common thread that Piaget, Vygotsky and Dewey comes up today seems to suggest that the Holy Grail of education can be identified with the definition of a pedagogical-technological framework capable of operating practices and reconsider the idea of \u200b\u200btraining in order to offer support to forms of learning that are taking a nature of time, space and cultural and increasingly ubiquitous taking place in increasingly fluid and coevolutionary - organic -

Important dates March 12 preliminary announcement (call for papers Preliminary) April 20 last ad (Last call for paper)
May 15 Deadline for submission of contributions
acceptance of contributions Communication June 15 June 20 Beginning early registration (Early registration) on June 30 in the final submission by 15 July
Start recording postponed (Late registration)
14 and 15 September '09 DULP

Topics of interest to DULP '09

--------- --------------
- analysis of today's "learning space" physical and virtual, and the educational processes that take place
- reflections on the changes induced by post-modernity on the learning process, the teaching practices and their relationship with technology
- theoretical perspectives for DULP
- design, prototyping and evaluation of artifacts, spaces and virtual environments for the sensitive DULP
- field testing of processes, procedures and operational methods for DULP
- mode 'advanced monitoring and evaluation processes and learners DULP
- contextualization and personalization of DULP
- impact, social acceptability, sustainability and economic psychophysical DULP

not yet heard of a site website for the event

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

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Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning

's latest work George Siemens, "Connectivism father " Peter and Tittenbergen "Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning" is available on in-line. pdf. The book can be downloaded here . The book is updated in the wiki associated.
These chapters of the book:
- Change
Pressures and Trends - What we know about learning
- Technology, Teaching, and Learning
- Media and technology
- Change cycles and future patterns
- New Learners? New Educators? New Skills?
- Tools
- Research
George is certainly one of the "young" brightest minds in pedagogical reflection on learning and teaching in the era of digital technology and network. Very interesting
his previous book "Knowing Knowledge", this free download.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Who Makes The Widest Aluminum Boat

courses and appeals by e-learning to the LIM to LIM

I have some suspicions. That history

Remember the good old days when everyone in Paralia of e-learning?
the enthusiasm was soon replaced the scietticismo and rejection. Then, from its own ashes - news phoenix - a fresh start more considered, reflected, which is surrounded, repositioned, in context.
Reason? miraculous expectations, false promises, ipoerboli. So much smoke and little roast.
It is, therefore, spoke of "death of e-learning .
link E-learning has been called a " bandwagoon," a "buzzword . Word with which to fill his mouth; wagon to jump on.
Someone had also mentioned a gigantic advertising-media supported uncritically by the press only as not to lose advertising revenue.
"> Printing and were accused of reviving the" benefits "without verification of the meaningfulness of what those who had a clear economic incentive to place the e-learning industry and the media had been charged to proclaim and sell the "benefits" without basing its claim on the research results and using language and arguments of the typical marketing.
From what I see around, I think that the same is happening about the magic slate:
  • same emphasis on the miraculous properties
  • same commercial pressure
  • same thought approssimativo
  • stessa corsa a "mettere il cappello"
Ciò che mi sembra essere minimamente cambiata è la velocità di reazione alla bufala: già si parla di LIM 2.o ad indicare un diverso modo di intendere ed usare lo strumento rispetto a quanto fatto nel (recentissimo) passato.

Sono comunque convinto che le LIM (come tutte le altre tecnologie) troverano una loro ragion d'essere solo quando si saranno dimenticate e non saranno più al centro del discorso e si parlerà solo di insegnamento e di apprendimento. Usando, se e quando serve, il pc, il gesso, il libro, la lim, la vecchia e cara lezione diretta, il lavoro di gruppo, il gioco .......