Sunday, February 13, 2011

Birkenstock Footprints

Manifesto della Freeedom Flotilla2

Copy the manifesto of freedom flotilla, it seems wonderful!
  1. respect the rights of every human being, regardless of its identity and gender, religion, nationality, citizenship or language.
  2. We adhere, without exception, the principles of nonviolence and nonviolent resistance in everything and we say we will do with the Freedom Flotilla.
  3. We recognize the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof anti, solidarity and the right to self-determination of peoples.
  4. We believe that the Palestinian people, and those who lawfully reside in the territories occupied by Israel, and all refugees are prevented from returning to their lawful homes in Palestine, should have free access to international waters and airspace, as defined by UN resolutions and the law International.
  5. We believe that the Palestinian people who legitimately resides in the territories occupied by Israel should be free from occupation to which it is subject and have full control of everything that enters or leaves those territories without any interference from Israel.
  6. We believe that the first step to achieving a just and lasting peace, the withdrawal by Israel of its military presence from all occupied territories and the immediate withdrawal of all laws, regulations, policies and procedures designed to be applied differently for different populations living in these territories .
  7. We believe that Israel must destroy all the barriers constructed to limit or prevent the passage and transit within the occupied territories.
  8. We believe that Israel must recognize the Arab-Palestinian citizens living in Israel all fundamental rights in relation to total equity Israeli citizens.
  9. We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, regardless the internal Palestinian political situation.
  10. allow all Palestinian refugees and exiles and their descendants, the right to return immediately to their homes in Israel and the occupied territories, the right to repossess their property and receive a just compensation for damages suffered and the expropriation and illegal use of these properties that has been done, as is enshrined in international law. This law is primarily an individual and not collective, and will not be discussed and negotiated, if not by the individual.
  11. support the movement and the campaign for BDS boycott of Israeli products, the divestiture from commercial activities in Israel, sanctions on the State of Israel and the academic and cultural boycott of Israelis who do not take a stand against the occupation el ' Apartheid.


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