Thursday, July 16, 2009

Steelseal Gasket Sealer

charts are worth a thousand words


Only from April 2008 to March 2009 -25.3%

The real estate sales

indebtedness of enterprises


Household debt

Exports and imports

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Infinite Credits On Poptropica

interesting comparison with European initiatives for the approximation to the ground

Monday, July 13, 2009

Chunky Cm Before Period

GAT on "Il Sole 24 Ore" insert Houses & Homes Saturday, 11/7/2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Whats The Difference Between Ultra Hd And Mino Hd

Peak food, the order of abundance.

Adapted from

Blogsfere: Published by Debora Billi at 12:55 in Resources


No, it is il solito titolo della Cassandra catastrofista. A meno che tale non vogliate considerare il National Geographic , che così esordisce per un articolo pubblicato qualche giorno fa ( qui la versione stampabile, più leggibile).

Lo scorso anno il prezzo del cibo alle stelle è stato un triste risveglio per il pianeta. Tra il 2005 e il 2008, il prezzo di grano e granturco è triplicato, quello del riso aumentato cinque volte, e le rivolte per il cibo si sono viste in quasi due dozzine di Paesi. E tutto ciò in un periodo di raccolti record. (...) Per dirla in due parole: nell'ultimo decennio il mondo ha consumato più cibo di quanto non se ne sia prodotto.

We need another green revolution , say the scientists, and we need it in half the time. All this reminds Malthusian theories, overpopulation, speeches here that often generate fierce debate.

That there is a problem of food resource is now an established fact. I remain convinced that there is imminent as many believe, and as this article suggests: reduce the consumption of meat (farming uses 70% of the world grain harvest) and a better distribution of resources (in the West we throw away 30% food product), we offer a broad window of time to provide. But the question is, how law even in the National Geographic, which is constantly attempting to increase crop yields leads to a frantic use of pesticides without any rules, especially in certain parts of the world. The sad story of Chinese families decimated by cancer, even in childhood, because of the proximity to agricultural fields sprayed with God knows what. In fact, as evidence a study by the FAO, the agribusiness traditionally understood (mix of fertilizers, pesticides, use of oil and gas, irrigation and massive GMOs) failed in its attempt to increase access to food. FAO and is the same now propose a new, more sustainable, less polluting and less resource consumption, and especially best suited to millions of small farmers who are the true backbone of the global food system.

Nevertheless, like it or not, all people can live only with what is his resource base or the resources it has available on its territory. Until now, when the problem occurred, the individual populations have solved by the war and appropriating the resources of nearby defeated. But today, the population in question is the entire human race, and we do face a resource base represented by the entire planet, we have no chance of wars of conquest. There is too much little oil to go and conquer the riches of Saturn guns.