Saturday, March 12, 2011

Best Moisturizers With Tazorac

Appello per la giornata dei prigionieri palestinesi

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) Gaza Calls a day of global action to draw attention to the Palestinian political prisoners who are illegally detained in Israel. The April 17th is the day of Palestinian prisoners, a day in commemoration of the 5,834 Palestinians who are currently (to February 1, 2011), held in Israeli jails. No fewer than 221 of them are children and 798 were sentenced to life imprisonment.

We will try to organize events on 17 April or during the week in your countries to counter the numerous violations of human rights and international law by Israel on Palestinian prisoners.

Raise awareness, encouraged public pressure your local and national representatives to Israel to account for his crimes, asking to be respected as a minimum, the following points:

* Stop the imprisonment of children!
* No administrative detentions! These detentions are not requiring any justification ufficiale, che vengono usate recludere i palestinesi per 6 mesi senza accuse e che spesso sono prolungate per altri 6 mesi (in un caso fino a 60 mesi)
    * Fermare la tortura fisica e psicologica nei confronti dei prigionieri!
* Assicurare il diritto dei prigionieri di Gaza per ricevere le visite dei familiari! Gli abitanti di Gaza nelle carceri israeliane non è stato consentito di ricevere visite da giugno 2007

Israele riceve enorme pubblicità globale per Gilad Shalit, il l'unico prigioniero israeliano che è attualmente detenuto in Palestina, mentre il mondo rimane in gran silenzio sui 5.834 palestinesi che sono incarcerati in Israele. Essi e le loro famiglie remain anonymous and off in the Western media and in political circles, despite the huge number of people involved. While torture is common practice in Israeli prisons, the Israeli government authorities have threatened that "the sky will fall" if you were to hurt Shalit.

"Obviously we torture in prison. But it's not the worst thing, the physical wounds heal. The psychological torment is far more serious. The guards woke us up in the middle of the night to get us out of our cells, and trample the Holy Quran and steal our most personal property such as letters and pictures, "said a man who was recently released.

How ISM Gaza vogliamo in particolare richiamare l'attenzione sul caso dei detenuti di Gaza. Dal giugno 2007, Israele ha vietato a tutti gli abitanti di Gaza di visitare i loro parenti incarcerati in Israele. I 676 abitanti di Gaza che sono attualmente nelle carceri di Israele, non hanno quindi ricevuto un singolo visitatore per più di tre anni e mezzo ormai. I detenuti di Gaza, molti dei quali sono incarcerati a tempo indeterminato senza processo, da allora sono stati in isolamento virtuale, in quanto generalmente non sono autorizzati a comunicare tramite telefono o via Internet, e solo occasionalmente hanno il permesso di inviare una lettera alle loro famiglie.

Dato che i prigionieri di Gaza sono negate le visite della famiglia, hanno anche un accesso limitato basic needs in prison - such as clothing and money - because the visits are often the only way for prisoners to receive these goods. Lawyers is forbidden to transfer money to the prisoners: the Israeli Prisoners' Service insists that only parents can transfer money, which of course is impossible.

We are in contact with local organizations and former detainees and their families who are willing to talk to you through a Skype conference that we would be pleased to create with you.

For further information please contact ISM Gaza ( via e-mail

I want to ask you to act in the week of April 17 in the name of Palestinian men, women and children in Israeli jails who have no voice, and like all Palestinians, and have yet to justice.


The ISM Gaza-team

Speeches For 60th Wedding Anniversary

IAW a Pisa


BDS Group-Pisa for Palestine, a bridge, Project Rebeldia, Left To ..., Women's House, Italo-Palestinian Friendship Association ONLUS Associazione per la Pace - Pisa, Gandhi Centre, Network Radiè Resch, Pax Christi, Maghreb Kingdom, Cobas-Pisa
invite you to:
  • Tuesday, March 15, at 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. - Film Arsenal, Scaramucci Lane 4, Pisa
19:30 - Aperi-Palestinian dinner
Hours 20:30 - Projection: animated Fatenah (Ahmad Habash, Palestine 2009, 31 ') - 4 night entry €
Following presentation and discussion:
Rights negati: il regime di Apartheid sulla pelle dei Palestinesi
Guido Benedetti (Medici per i diritti umani) - Il diritto allo salute nei Territori Occupati
Martina Pignatti M. (Un ponte per...) - Resistere all'Apartheid, una lotta per la dignità
Mostra in background: THE BEATEN TRACK, la salute negata nella Striscia di Gaza
Proiezione: Route 181, frammenti di un viaggio in Palestina e Israele (di E. Sivan e M. Khleifi, Isr/Pal 2004, extract 30 ')
  • Wednesday, March 16, at 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. - Classroom Organizer, Faculty of Humanities, College Via Ricci 10, Pisa
Conference and debate:
Act and communicate against the Israeli Apartheid:

the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions)
Introduction: Guido
Mason (Group-Pisa for the Palestine BDS)
Stephanie Westbrook (Italian Coalition Against Carmel-Agrexco)
Fouad Rouehia (Amisnet, Multimedia Information Agency Name)
  • Wednesday, March 23 , at 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. - New Hall of Wisdom, and Montanara Via Curtatone 15, Pisa
academic relations between Italy and Palestine,

universities resist discrimination
Prof. George Gallo (University of Pisa)
Speakers: Prof. Cynthia
Nachira (University of Salento) - Culture under siege and the specter of apartheid
Enrico Bartolomei (University of Macerata) - Doing research in Palestine, a personal experience
Martina Pignatti Morano (University of Pisa) - Applications and proposals of the academy
The Palestinian Campaign for the Right to Education in Palestine presenterà il documento
"Guida introduttiva per i progetti di collaborazione accademica fra Italia e Palestina"

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sdhc Driver Palm Treo 700wx

An evening of Manuals and Malawi!

tonight, March 11, 2011, in Verona, there will be a good initiative. At the African museum
Davide Bomben, President IAEA, will present the book "Handbook for Safari in Africa - Module 1 - African Animals vol. 1: Mammals;
Marastoni Marco, President of Tonga, will try to explain what the fuck you doing there;
Stefania De Grandi, President MWCT ONLUS Italy, will present the project Mwabvi Wildlife & Community Trust.

will, in short, the "evening of Presidents" .
But, as said Jena Plissken (originally Jake "the Snake" Plissken ): "President of what? "

Who does not go Bunga-bunga ... as a "supplier"!


How Do I Baet The The Hunted House?

IAW a Bologna

Ricevo e pubblico:


9 Marzo ore 18.30.
MACONDO, Via del Pratello 22c
Aperitivo. A seguire Gaza sotto assedio: perché Israele infrange il Diritto Internazionale. Intervengono: Senatore Fernando Rossi e Avv. Chantal Meloni, ricercatrice di diritto penale presso l'Università degli Studi di Milano and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights in Gaza. Screenings of short films on Gaza and musical interludes

March 11 at 16:45.
Football Conference Room of the Hotel, Via del Pallone 4 (Side Street Irnerio)
Why talk about Israeli Apartheid? Comparative analysis between the system of Apartheid South Africa and Israel. Analysis of Dr. Sami Hermez, Palestinian intellectual, a researcher at St. Anthony's College, Oxford University, PhD from Princeton University

March 12 at 18.30.
Jerusalem today. Presentation by Luisa Morgantini, a former MEP, Abdur Rahman and Prof. Fatima Kariouti

March 13 at 18.30.
cages, prisons and torture. Presentation of the book cage, Miriam Marino (Network Jews against the Occupation) and responses on the use of torture on Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and the situation in the H2 area of \u200b\u200bHebron. Speakers: Miriam Marino, Ms. Valentina and Ms. Ilaria Spada Champion (Centre for International Health - University of Bologna)

March 20 at 17.00.
BENJAMIN HALL, Via del Pratello 53 (Social Centre Peace)
Show of works by children from different schools in Bologna on Palestine, involving young people from various immigrant communities in the area. Presentation boys. Following typical Palestinian Dabke dance show and buffet with traditional food

March 20 at 20.30. BENJAMIN HALL, Via del Pratello 53 (Social Centre Peace)
Being young in Palestine. Speakers: Mr. Burani, which will analyze the situation of children in Israeli jails, Owda Murad, a social worker at the Cultural Center of Phoenix Deishe Refugee Camp in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

For further information, please visit:
For information contact: info.bdsbologna @ / 3391492621
Posted by: BDS Bologna Committee, Women in Black, Palestine Committee Bologna, Pax Christi, Mashi, Ya Basta, RdB Federation, Technical Study Group 09, Gender and Development.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tiffany Granath Hardcore?

At the end of everything ... thank you all!

Sunday, March 6, 2011, the Arena Boulder Wild King (King Rock) was held on the last leg from 2010 to 2011 edition of your favorite bouldering circuit: Locked In Fog .

In a beautiful sunny day (and how could it not the end of the fog?) 121 compulsive resinomani have peeled her fingers in blood, massacred the muscles and joints, inflamed tendons ... have inhaled chalk dust. .. have sweated and cursed the heat and humidity ... well ... had fun like crazy! (next year we will be sponsoring the AIPSIMED).

After 5 hours, 300 sandwiches, 33 boulder, 5 chocolate salami, and the final two rounds of beer 2fusti sprout a phantasmagoric Alice Gianelli (13 years!) And Stefano grintosissima Bettoli .
Honorable Mention team Geko-La Palestrina for the costumes (almost embarrassing ;-)
A round of applause to the King of Rock team that has deserved the confidence of many participants.

Rankings stage can be found here .

And now ... the final results.
After 10 stages over four months here are the podiums.

Female classification
1. Glenda Pelosi - 772 points! 2. White Bomb - 609 points 3. Sara Lambertini - 427 points

Standings Men 1. Ermanno "Goldfinger-the Coach" Maistri - 656 points 2. Amilcar "Robocop" Luciani - 553 points 3. GianMaria "devil" Savani - 458 points

And now just two numbers to point out, if any were needed, how much you love the fog:
- total participants increased from the circuit 306, 2009-10 (113 in the first year ) to 478 (women from 55 to 112!);
- attendance at the various stages were 217 in the first edition, 343 in the second, and third in the 575 ... 943 ! in this.

'll look sboroni that if they pull it but it is only because we sboroni that if they pull it!

Thank you all.
Thanks to the participants, young and old.
Thanks to gyms and all those who have been beaten to organize every single step. With
With shops that have provided prizes stage (in this order: Kamp 3000, New Horizons, Reggio Gas, Walls Shop, North Cape, and Out & Out Turnover Sport .
Grazie agli sponsor: Wild Climb, Smog, Il Risuolatore, Camp-Cassin, E9, Climbing Training, Pareti e Versante Sud-Up Climbing
Grazie davvero.

Grazie anche da MWCT Italia ONLUS , da PAW e da MWCT Malawi (943 partecipanti x 1 € = 943 €… davvero niente male!).

Insomma, grazie a tutti, ma proprio a tutti e… arrivederci alla prossima edizione di Bloccati Nella Nebbia !

P.S. Le classifiche finali le trovate qui .

Monday, March 7, 2011

Things To Write In A Card For Sister

Programmi IAW

The following week the program here in Gaza and apartheid in some Italian cities (if you know of other events please let please do!)

  • Monday, 7 (20.30 noses dip in the classroom. Marzolo via chemistry): presentation of apartheid week, screening of the documentary film "the apartheid wall"
  • Tuesday 8 (15 classroom hours G dip. Marzolo via chemistry): connection with me from Gaza
  • Saturday 12: Initiatives to supermarkets
  • Monday 14 (15 classroom hours dip.chimica via Marzolo I): Connecting with students Gaza

  • Radio Lina will devote space to those
  • the committee is promoting a boycott of the event for 10 am to 5:30 pm, at the cultural center "Sun City", connection with students from Gaza and debate with Professor Sami Hermez

  • 7, there will be a screening of some short videos on the BDS, with a link with Naeem Jeenah, South African anti-apartheid activist
  • l '8 There will be a video conference with Ilan Pappe, Israeli historian and intellectual origins forced to emigrate because not in line with the Zionist thought, and author dell'importamte text: "atnica cleansing of Palestine"
  • 9, will screen "The Wind That Shakes the Barley," to remember the links with the liberation struggles of other countries such as the ' ireland
  • 10, will be screened the documentary "a family from Gaza, there will be a video conference with skype Lubna Masarwa about attempts to break the siege on Gaza, and a link with the group of Naples" comitatoboicottaggio "on academic boycott
  • 12, there will be a link from the West Bank with the poet and activist Rafeef Zyad and Omar Barghouti, membro fondatore della campagna BDS
  • il 15 ci sarà la testimonianza di un rifugiato, Abu Huzaima che racconterà di come è avvenuta la pulizia etnica nel suo villaggio originario, Zarnouqa, e con Ramzy Baroud, autore di “My Father was a freedom Fighter” ed editore di Palestine Chronicle
  • il 17 ci sarà un collegamento con diverse università negli Stati Uniti ed Inghilterra, per raccontare la situazione di Gaza e scambiare idee su azioni.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Over The Counter Cystitis Treatment For Cats

Principi di base dell'IAW - Israeli Apartheid Week

1- Il fine della IAW è quello di educare i cittadini circa la natura d’apartheid the state of Israel, helping to campaign for Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel.
want to make our contribution on the understanding of Israel as an apartheid state. The Palestinian citizens are excluded from the control and the development of more than 90% of the land, are discriminated against in the most basic and everyday of their lives: education, healthcare, public services, public sector, simply because they are Palestinians. Palestinians who were expelled in 1948 and 1967 can not return to their homes and their lands and at the same time any Jewish person in the world has the right to move to live in Israel getting automatic Israeli citizenship. In the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip Palestinians live subject to military law discriminatory distributed in isolated Bantustans surrounded by the wall between them and

2 - We will work to end this state of international complicity with apartheid .
governments offer great economic and political support to the Israeli apartheid regime. The corporations make money from investments and banking transactions, Joint Israeli companies. The institutions, organizations and unions are not opposed to that allow the moral and economic support of Israel. Artists, intellectuals and sports teams end to legitimize the Israeli apartheid, maintaining relationships as if nothing had happened. This kind of cooperation and support allows apartheid to continue to exist for this end the international complicity is so important.

3 - We believe that Israeli apartheid is an essential part of a wider system of economic and military domination .
For this reason we remain in solidarity with all oppressed people of the world, particularly with indigenous communities suffering from the repression of colonial regimes, exploitation and displacement.

4 - We oppose the racist ideology of the Zionism which provides the basis to the Israeli colonialism.
We are opposed because it discriminates directly and forcefully all those who are not Jews. We are against all forms of discrimination and believe that there will never be justice without the restoration of all rights of everyone, without distinction of race, ethnicity or nationality.

5th - Our demands are based on the request of Palestinian civil society for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel of July 9, 2009, advanced by more than 170 Palestinian organizations.

6 - Boycott, divestment and sanctions should be applied until Israel recognize the Palestinian people's inalienable right self-determination, recognized by international law as a fundamental right

  1. to end the occupation and colonization of Arab lands , destroying the wall and releasing all political prisoners and Palestinian Arabs
  2. flourish the basic rights of Arab citizens residents within the state of Israel and their equality with other citizens
  3. respecting, protecting and promoting the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and proproetà stipulated by the UN General Assembly Resolution number 194.

(public and get on a mailing list, I thank Catherine for the translation)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Funny Thing Towrite In Christmas Cards

Due feriti il 26 ed un morto il 28 febbraio

was coming to the gas cylinder home and his wife did the cooking, so ElHsunmy Mohammed Khaled, 37, went to collect firewood. The place where you can find firewood is near the border, and he was 450 meters from the border, near c'era anche un pastore. Non era la prima volta che si recava li a raccogliere legna, succedeva circa una volta al mese... Un cecchino israeliano lo ha colpito con un dum dum (proiettile che esplode all'impatto, proibito dalla convenzione di Ginevra) nella parte bassa della gamba destra, mandando in frantumi sia il perone che la tibia. “In casa siamo 9, il mio figlio maggiore ha 10 anni e la mia figlia maggiore 18. Lavoravo come contadino alla giornata, ma nell'ultimo periodo era difficile trovare lavoro, negli ultimi 2 mesi non mi ha chiamato nessuno.” Ha subito un'operazione i medici hanno dovuto applicare un sostegno esterno per impedire alle ossa di ricalcificarsi nelle posizione sbagliata; probabilmente nel giro di un anno dovrà subire un'altra levy of operation in which pieces of bone from the hip to move in where there are no fibula or tibia.

Two people went to see Khaled in hospital, one is his nephew, Bilal Shaban ElHsunmy of 18 years, collecting debris near the border and was wounded by a dum dum on 11 December last year, he still has support from outside to fix the bone in the right position, and he too will have to amputate a piece of hip bone to put him where he was completely shattered by the dum dum fired by Israeli sniper. His two older brothers were doing the same job, and both were wounded by the occupying forces. Now no one works in the family.
The other person in the room is ElKhamdaw Mohammed Smail, 34, a neighbor of Khaled, wounded Nov. 19 mind debris collected at the border. He says: "My leg was held together only by the skin, the bones were completely shattered ... no other works in the family, God will help us to live. You ask me to leave a message? I have no message. Any message would be useless, so why Israel continues to do what he wants, no matter what I say does not change anything. "

Israel called" buffer-zone "area of \u200b\u200bPalestinian land included in the 300 meters from the Israeli border , and have unilaterally banned l'ingresso a chiunque non faccia parte delle forze di occupazione. Inoltre, in un'area che secondo un rapporto dell'ONU va dal chilometro ai due chilometri dal confine, i cecchini israeliani sparano spesso ai palestinesi. Il rapporto dell'ONU definisce “no-go zone” l'area fino ai 300 metri e “high risk zone” l'area fino al chilometro e mezzo, due chilometri. Poiché nessuno o quasi nessuno entra più nei 300 metri dal confine, la maggior parte dei casi di persone ferite o uccise nell'ultimo periodo è nell'“high risk area”, sebbene essa non sia chiaramente definita né esplicitamente dichiarata nemmeno dalle forze di occupazione. 

"It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon I was sleeping near the window, and slept next to me my daughter of 18 months. I woke up terrified by an explosion near the window was shattered and my daughter was bleeding from the top of the head, when I clean, I realized that there was a piece of glass embedded in the skin, then I taken to the hospital I was very worried, only a year and a half ... I have removed the glass and I have explained how to change the bandages every day. "So begins the story of Jamal Abo Hiatham Sharikhi (33 years) about the events that occurred Feb. 26. The windows of the building were completely destroyed, you can not close the door to the terrace and the house is completely full of glass: the floors, carpets, mattresses, blankets ... When the children were walking continued to be hurt with glass on the carpet and on the floor and for this reason the family has temporarily moved to live with relatives. The explosion occurred a few tens of meters from the Hitiam, in a former military compound hit so many times that now is now empty and abandoned, but the blast was enough to destroy all the windows of the building , second floor, where he lives on the floor land where his mother lives Shafiah for 57 years. "I was sleeping and I also have been hit by the glass - he says - but luckily I was protected by a blanket. Then I saw a large black cloud rising from the explosion. My son looks strong, but I know it is destroyed by what has happened to her daughter. "

Hitiam's first wife was killed in 2007 when from Beit Lahya was trying to join her husband who was in Gaza, because the situation in the north was becoming dangerous. Her two children were traveling with her mother a car that was hit by an Israeli bomb launched in the vicinity. The mother and the driver died, and when they brought the corpse of the mother in the hospital, still holding fast to the daughter of 15 days, and doctors have struggled to separate from the mother. The daughter injured Feb. 26 but comes from the second marriage of Hitiam, which occurred after the death of his first wife.

Also on February 26 at about the same time the Israeli bombs have reached the camp of profuchi Burej, fortunately without causing no injuries.

"The I told you not to go, because it was too close to the border and dangerous, but he claimed that there were no stones, and wanted to buy milk for his son "
Tareq, a cousin of Omar Marouf, who was killed by the forces employment on February 28.

Tarek and Omar were collecting stones, Tareq is 700 meters from the border and Omar had approached up to 300 meters, to reach an area where could find more. The stones were then destroyed to make building materials, access to which is prohibited by the siege in Gaza. Omar was out of the Tareq view when the control tower began to shoot, Tareq knew that his cousin was injured, he was sure because with the last blow was struck the donkey pulling the cart that Omar was using, had seen him fall . Tareq could not approach because the shooting continued, and even the ambulance could get to the coordination with the Israeli army to the area.
The occupying forces have continued to shoot up to 11, during which time the bulldozers were digging a hole around the cart and the donkey died.
at 2 pm Omar's body was delivered to the hospital in Shifa through the Erez crossing. The body had a wound dum dum (bullet that explodes on impact, which is prohibited by the Geneva Convention) at the abdomen, and no sign of care or medications.

Omar, assassinated in twenty years, leaves a wife and a child of the same age of 2 years. And many questions about why military action as a whole that is really meaningless and too similar to a violent game, against an individual clearly unarmed and harmless.

"We do not want money, food or clothes, we want to live safely. My children wake in the night by nightmares of dead and disappeared, the wife of my cousin Omar is destroyed by the pain, "concluded Tarek.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Office 2007 Italian Patch

drum roll ...

Signore e signori, dopo 9, bellissime, tappe è giunto the time of the 2010-2011 edition of the final stage circuit blocks in the Fog (your favorite bouldering circuit). So
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Wild King Arena Boulder (King Rock) Verona

Tenth and final stage of the circuit blocks in the fog. Find the latest rankings


But here you will find beautiful photos of the stage of Blocstation Forlì (February 20, 2011) and the legendary Totem Carpi (February 27, 2011).

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Back And Arms Sore From,snowboarding

Cinque voci, otto assassinii e una bomba

The exact spot where he died Yasser Qudaih
Khuza'a is a village in the southern Gaza Strip, in the governorate of Khan Younis. There are about 12 thousand inhabitants, the center is just over a kilometer from the Israeli border and the movement restrictions created by the occupation forces are considerable. The fact that I'm about to tell takes place in Khuza'a, il 13 gennaio 2009, durante l'attacco genocida e terrorista di Israele detto “piombo fuso”. Non è l'unico episodio riferito a questo villaggio, e certamente non è nemmeno il più tremendo di quel periodo, ma vale la pena raccontarlo.

I personaggi narranti sono cinque diversi abitanti, tre donne e due uomini, che direttamente o indirettamente hanno vissuto quel momento.

Nada Aburoch
Nada Aburoch, 53 year old woman
" During the invasion two years ago, during the genocidal attack that lasted three weeks, Israel used white phosphorus against us and other terrible weapons, my Mamdouh two eldest sons (22y.o.) and Medhat Aburok (17 years) helped the neighborhood administering first aid, even though they had no certificate or particular expertise, was horrible, people were dying and ambulances could not get the time because the snipers were still to shoot ... My oldest son, Mamdouh, was studying computer science at university, while working in a restaurant to pay for studies. After the Israeli attack with white phosphorus in Khuza'a (around January 10th) we went there with his family, and my two older sons were there. They wanted to guard the house because it was not torn down and continue to help the neighborhood. I was very worried, and what has happened since has confirmed my worst nightmares "

Qudaih Sabrin, 35 years, women:
" My husband Yasser Qudaih traded fruit and vegetables also grow anything here before. During the war we have strayed from Khuza'a because it was dangerous, we had refugees to Abusan (neighboring village) to my sister's house, because they were safer. My husband had returned during the cease-fire to see how the situation was: we were told that the Israelis were destroying all the empty houses, so he wanted to go see what was going on. Thought to be safe during the cease-fire, but it was not so. "

Gada Quiah, 34 years, women:
" Qudaih Mohammed was 15 years old, was my eldest son. He was a football fan, played in a small local team and loved it. A school was first class, the teacher remembers him with affection, came here to visit me once.
Since the invasion, you know, we had no electricity, recharge cell phones shop opposite the house that had the generator. It was the cease-fire and my baby was going to take ... when the disaster happened was right in front of the house, right here in front. "

Salem Mohammed Odeh
Salem Mohammed Odeh , 31 anni, uomo:
Tutto è successo durante il cessate il fuoco. Le forze israeliane avevano concesso 3 ore di cessate il fuoco al giorno, ed in quelle 3 ore i tanti che erano scappati nei villaggi vicini approfittavano per venire a controllare le proprie case e prendere cose che servivano. Anche chi non era scappato sfruttava il momento per uscire a comperare i beni di prima necessità nei pochi negozi che aprivano.
Qui siamo al primo piano e giusto sotto casa c'è un negozio di alimentari. Sono sceso un time to buy something, there was a small group of people who had gathered in front of the shop. I remember they were talking about a guy who was running away from his home because he was too close to the border and panic had knocked at the wrong door, I do not remember exactly ... I was telling these people not to gather, not being all together, to disperse because even if they declared a cease-fire not to be trusted ... the Israelis were in heaven zannana a (drone) and two apache (helicopters) of the occupation forces.
I was struck by the explosion in the left leg, I lost a lot of blood, and they took me to the hospital with the same ambulance which carried the bodies of the dead. While waiting at the hospital I saw so many people get that I was afraid that all were dead or wounded Khuza'a "

Sabrin Qudaih :" My husband Yasser had just gone to see that had been our home, and to make children's clothing. When I heard the explosion I called Khuza'a to hear if my husband was well, and at the beginning I have said yes, they told me that my brother was dead. When I discovered that my husband had been killed during the explosion, was a tremendous trauma. The bomb caught him discharged dall'Apache right outside the door of his house as he spoke with a group of kids was outside the supermarket. It was just leaning against the wall, one meter away from the gate ... "

Nadra Aburoch :" My two eldest children, after three days away from the family that made sure that nothing happened to our house and were providing relief to the neighborhood in which they had finally decided to join us in Khan Younis. The eldest, Mamadouh, had found a car and stopped a moment to the area to predict Medhat shop and buy a snack. After the explosion they found part of the snack in the mouth of the corpse and hand in your pocket pants "

Quiah Gada" in front of the shop opposite the house where my baby was going to charge the phone battery had gathered a little 'people, and I heard a big bang. The street was full of blood and pieces of dead bodies, it was terrible, there was glass everywhere because all the windows of the building where there was the shop were too high, even those on the first floor of the dwelling. My son did not die immediately, he died an hour later, they had brought into the store where they were all waiting for the ambulance ... I still wore the jeans at the time.

Store Naji Qudaih
Qudaih Naji, 49, is the owner of a small supermarket opposite which occurred the explosion. He moved the store a few hundred meters on the same street, the shop is very small, the size of a closet, when we interviewed him there was no current and the little light came through the metal door open.
" I opened the store during the cease-fire, also to provide a service to villagers who needed to stock up on essential goods and electricity to charge the batteries of mobile phones, in fact I had the generator running. Someone had gathered, and the Apache dropped a bomb right where the people had stopped talking. After the explosion we brought the wounded inside the store to provide first aid, because it was a dangerous area and they put a lot of ambulances to arrive. The ambulance arrived after 45 minutes ... not all the victims died at the time, 3 we have put in more time, I particularly remember a boy of 15 years (Mohammed Qudaih), was shot in the head, but when he entered the shop was still alive. If the ambulance was arrivata in tempo forse si sarebbe salvato.”

Otto palestinesi, padri di famiglia e ragazzini con delle vite “normali”, uccisi mentre chiacchieravano davanti ad un supermercato, da una bomba lanciata da un elicottero Apache israeliano:
YASSER QUDAIH, 34 anni, sposato, 5 figli
Suliman QUDAIH

Salem Mohammed Odeh 'C' were pieces of bodies of people murdered across the street, some pieces have also reached my terrace, including a portion of an arm ... other pieces of flesh were found the next day near the tree opposite, a scene I will never forget! If I think that the Israeli media have come to argue that they were militants resistance ... as you may think this is true? In this village is all flat, the border can see everything, is not the place for action of armed resistance, were all civilians, were dressed in civilian clothes ... Yasser was right opposite the entrance to the house, had been part of the resistance would not have been there! I remember at least 3 others wounded in addition to me: Hamdam Qudaih had a bad wound with a piece that was entered into head, but managed to have an operation in Egypt and is now healed, Idah Qudaih had shrapnel and debris all over the body , the company does have just entered the hospital, and was saved. Medath I remember that was 17 years and a large splinter in the stomach "

Nadra Aburoch : “il mio figlio secondogenito, Medath, aveva ferite e frammenti nelle gambe e nello stomaco, lo hanno operato ma non sono riusciti ad estrarre tutti i frammenti, talvolta se ne sentono ancora al tatto sotto la pelle e gli fanno molto male soprattutto quando fa freddo..un paio di mesi fa ne è stato estratto uno dal piede e giusto ieri se ne poteva sentire uno sottopelle vicino al ginocchio. Credo che col passare del tempo si muovano naturalmente verso la pelle, dopo si possono estrarre, ma provocano molto dolore. Oggi Medath ha problemi psicologici, è molto nervoso, fa fatica a sostenere una conversazione rimanendo calmo; io I have diabetes and high blood pressure, another 11 years of my son cries often and needed psychological support, which was provided by a local association. "

Gada Quiah "They killed my baby for no reason 14 years, my firstborn. I cried so much. I could not recover ... the door initially opened on our street where the massacre happened, today I opened another on a side street, because every time I went out I was sick of them, before the eyes of mind the blood and bits of bodies in the street, I see my son with the broken head, review my baby died. I took a psychological treatment to overcome the trauma, I have to take my 8 year old daughter who wakes up at night and comes looking for mom and dad crying and shaking as he hears the sound of airplanes or helicopters. all my four children have seen the horror in that way, the shreds of meat after the explosion, and they are all smaller than what has been assassinated: they bring in the nightmare forever ... We were just thinking of leaving the house when it happened the massacre "

Four of the sons of Sabri Qudaih
Sabrin Qudaih : "now that my husband is dead, that was what worked at home, we live aid. The shock for me lasted a year, and I have to raise five children alone, I loved my husband. We Palestinians want our rights are respected, Israel must be punished for all crimes he committed during the genocidal attack two years ago and that makes every day. The Israeli media are liars, my husband was not in the resistance, was a civilian! What do you think that he would be killed in front of the house had been in the resistance? Children were massacred, nobody had weapons, had gathered because there was a shop next door, and, above all, everything has happened during the cease-fire! "

Naji Qudaih :" I am sure that none of the injuries that led to my shop had clothing that can be traced back to the uniforms of the resistance. No one 'among the wounded there' among the people that had gathered was armed. All the West talk about human rights, but it is a filling his mouth with words unnecessary, because when it comes to our human rights will not move a finger when it comes to Israeli crimes against our people in the West takes no position . When Israel is violating human rights are routinely ignored the facts. "

The coffee Gada Quidah
Gada Quiah : "Israel has hit just because those people had gathered, it makes absolutely no distinction between civilians and resistance, between adults and children. No more will I bring back my child. The Israelis are the barbarians. Why kill Palestinian children in this way? Why our children can not have a life like any other children? "

Salem Mohammed Odeh : "Although Israel has bombed Lebanon in kindergartens, it behaves the same way in all countries, wherever they kill unarmed civilians. And you know why? Why in the world does not matter, because all do not care, because when these crimes does all look the other way. States, institutions, the UN, everyone is silent. No one tells him to stop. None. "

marks left on the road by the bomb

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Poptropica Trainer/hacking Device?

Essere contadini a Gaza

Bulldozer israeliano
“Chi semina buon grano, ha poi buon pane”, recita il proverbio. Ma per avere un buon pane, cioè un buon raccolto, è necessario prima di tutto poter accedere alla propria terra, è necessario che le forze di occupazione non lo impediscano sparandoti contro. È necessario poter irrigare, è necessario che l'esercito israeliano non bombardi il pozzo che usi per raccogliere l'acqua. È necessario, inoltre, che non arrivino bulldozer, scortati da carri armati, a distruggere quanto è stato seminato.

Jaber is thin and not very tall, has a tanned complexion, prominent cheekbones and calloused hands. He talks little, Jaber is patient, but also very determined. He comes from a farming family, has 45 years, and since he was six he helped his father to take care of almond trees. The land is cultivated between 300 and 500 meters from the border, and works in the uncertainty of being able to see the fruits of his land. Five years ago, the occupation forces set fire to his field of corn at harvest, sending smoke in the work and investments of one year. Firefighters were unable to arrive on time, because, due to the proximity of the field to no-go areas declared unilaterally by the occupation forces, requiring coordination with the Israeli army, and this coordination has not arrived. About a year ago, the bulldozers have destroyed most of his home, which was located about 400 meters from the border, the small farm of chickens, 40 dunams of wheat, 3 dunams of olive trees, and 3 dunams of vegetables. He says that if it was not released in time from his home with his family would have demolished them inside. Today Jaber grow onions in the ground where his old home.

Israel unilaterally declared "no-go zone" the strip of land that runs close the border to a distance of 300 meters. This area is completely inaccessible for Palestinians, even those who had their lands and crops. But according to a UN report says the area where access is "high risk" comes up to a kilometer and a half, sometimes two miles from the border. 35% of the arable land of Gaza are in this area as "high risk", and for farmers it is difficult or impossible to collect fruits from their land in this area. Israel's policy in this regard has every appearance of wanting to simply prevent farmers from cultivating their land, and to be able to reach some form of food self-sufficiency.
Always Jaber said: "Before we grew almonds, then Israel began to fill up our markets for almonds, by artificially calarne price, so those who cultivated the almond crop was converted into something else, then withdrew their almonds and the price is increased again, but we had no more almonds. The same thing happened with oranges. During the first intifada, closing the borders have prevented us from exporting vegetables, and at the same time, have prevented the fertilizer to enter ... and then things got worse and worse. "

Area north, the wall is visible in the right background, the buildings are those of the Erez crossing

Ibrahim lives in Khuza 'To the south of the strip. His house was destroyed during the war, and can not access the land they cultivate. He has a tractor to plow, but even with this there is little work, because where he lives most of the arable land is a few hundred meters from the border, and farmers without access. Yusef is also Khuza'a, and has two properties, one of 8 dunums and the other 24, both of them cultivated with wheat per fare il pane. Il terreno di 8 dunam non è più accessibile, si trova a 200 metri dal confine, mentre l'altro, a 300 mettri dal confine, non viene coltivato da 2 anni perchè quando prova a recarvisi le forze di occupazione iniziano a sparare.

Abu Taima, anch'egli al sud, racconta come all'inizio le forze di occupazione abbiano distrutto gli aranci, e poi non abbiano permesso la coltivazione nemmeno di grano ed altri vegetali, sebbene molto più bassi degli alberi. Nel 2008, nel 2009 e nel 2010 ha coltivato la sua terra, ma i bulldozer israeliani la hanno distrutta prima del raccolto. Sparano ai contadini che vanno a coltivare, e poi sradicano crops. They shoot and kill even the cattle and sheep to graze, the last sheep was killed just 700 meters from the border. The Zionist soldiers shoot when there is fog, without seeing clearly what hit. "I had 50 dunams of land, now they can no longer grow. There were ten people working for me, and each had a family of ten. Today, all these workers are unemployed, and depend on welfare programs or humanitarian assistance. "

The last farmer killed by Israel was 65 years old and his name Kharmoot Shaban, was shot Beit Hannoun, the north, with three bullets: one in the neck, one in the chest and one abdomen because he was cultivating his land as he had done over the past 40 years, and had no other alternative to support his family.

holes caused by bullets on the cloth of a greenhouse
The numbers of land for at least one year and not have borne fruit due to contamination from used white phosphorus during the Israeli invasion "lead time" : leaves from trees destroyed, contaminated land that gave poisoned fruit. Are been so poisoned the groundwater, wells were bombed, and access to water has become one of the main problems of the peasants. In particular, in the El Kharrara a well located more than 2 km from the border and provides water for drinking and irrigation of 700 dunams of land on which they depend 5,000 people, was bombed in molten lead, and since only few families can afford the transport tanks to large amounts of water for irrigation, this has caused problems for agriculture very strong. The bullet holes in the sheets that make up the greenhouses have allowed the pests to enter, and because of the siege can not import illegal pesticides and fertilizers. In the Faraheen soldiers shooting at farmers and land mines left on preventing workers to cultivate it. Also in frequent incursions are only or mainly affected the plants ready to bear fruit, which required effort and money to reach maturity : for example is an olive tree of life left in three years and a six-rooted.

In a region already devastated by a siege which prevents the import of many essential goods, which creates poverty and unemployment in one of the most populated areas of the world, this explicit policy to attack farmers and agriculture in general is another crime that can be summed to the long list of which Israel is guilty. UNRWA, the UN refugee agency, provides for some families with food donations quarterly, but is extremely cynical provide care in cases where the occupation forces, against every international agreement to prevent a nation of cultivate his bread and providing the same support.

Saber says:
"He was calm and quiet area near the border, seven in the morning Friday. I went with my tractor from 300 to 350 meters from the border. I wanted to grow because it was all quiet: if I heard shots and I was afraid I would have never gone. When I reached my floor, they opened fire, they destroyed the tractor. The medical report says that this has caused me psychological problems and psychosomatic disorders: panic in the mental and physical tension, heart rate changed, and I started taking medication. It happened in December 2007. "
" Obviously knew I was a farmer! I was wearing work clothes, was driving a tractor. A tractor to plow, not a tank: do not recognize it when they see it, perhaps? They binoculars with which we can monitor dozens of miles away, I have recognized. They knew that I was a farmer, and the proof is that after an apology saying it was an accident. I can count the hairs of the beard, how could they not know that I am a farmer? No, I knew I was a farmer, and I got shot on purpose, because I am a farmer and did not want me to stay here in my country. "

Yusef, a farmer in Khuza'a

Monday, February 14, 2011

Outrigger Waikiki Toddler

Cinque poesie di Mahmoud Darwish

Mahmoud Darwish was born in 1941 in al-Birweh, village razed nel 1948, durante la Nakba, la pulizia etnica della Palestina.
I suoi genitori si sono rifugiati in Libano e sono stati tra i pochi a riuscire a tornare illegalmente nella terra d'origine dopo un anno, senza nessun diritto civile o cittadinanza. A causa di questo ha passato diversi anni in prigione, e non ha potuto terminare gli studi nella sua terra. Ha vissuto buona parte della sua vita in esilio. È morto il 9 agosto 2008.

Potete legarmi mani e piedi
take my notebook and cigarettes
fill my mouth with earth
poetry is my blood of the living heart
of my bread, salt, light in my eyes.
is written in the nails, the look and iron,
sing the 'in my prison cell,
the bathroom
the stable
under the lash
between strains
agony of the chains.
I have inside me a million nightingales
to sing my song of struggle.


They chained her mouth
and tied his hands to the stone of the dead.
They said: "Murderess",
they took food, clothes, flags
and threw him in the cell of dead.
They said: "Thief!"
have declined in all ports,
took away his little love,
then said: "refugees."
you who have feet and hands bloodied,
night is ephemeral,
it `chain rings are indestructible,
`grains because of my ear that is bothering
fill the valley of wheat.


Prepari la tua colazione pensa agli altri (non dimenticare il cibo per i piccioni)
Combatti la tua guerra
pensa agli altri (non dimenticare chi chiede la pace)
Paghi la bolletta dell’acqua
pensa agli altri (chi si nutre di nubi)
Torni a casa la tua casa
pensa agli altri (non dimenticare la gente nelle tende)
Dormi e conti le stelle
pensa agli altri (chi non ha spazio per dormire)
Liberi l’anima con le metafore
pensa agli altri (who has lost the right word) Think of all the others off
think to yourself
(Say, maybe I candle in the dark)


Singin 'in the streets, the fields,
our `spring look will make the observatory
more distant from the place
on site as deep
the place more beautiful,
where you do not see that l `aurora,
and does not feel that victory.
We will leave from our fields
We will leave our shelters in exile
We will leave our hiding places,
we have more shame, if the enemy offends us.
not blush
we wield a scythe,
s appiamo how to defend an unarmed man.
We also build
A modern factory
a house,
a hospital,
a school,
a bomb,
a missile.
And we write poems more beautiful.


I am an Arab
and my identity card is number fifty thousand.
I have eight children
and the ninth will come after the summer.

I am an Arab
used with the workers of the quarry
I have eight children
rocks revenue bread,
clothing and books.
not beg to your door
nor do I humble myself to the steps of your room
therefore ', you will be angry?

I am an Arab
I have a name without Titles
and Patient in a country
whose people are enraged.
My roots
were entrenched before the birth of time
before the opening of the eras
first of pine and olive trees
and before it grew l’erba.

Mio padre... viene dalla stripe dell’aratro,
non da un ceto privilegiato
e mio nonno era un contadino
nè ben cresciuto
nè ben nato!

Mi ha insegnato l’orgoglio del sole
prima di insegnarti a leggere,
e la mia casa è come la guardiola di un sorvegliante
fatta di vimini e paglia:
siete soddisfatti del mio stato?
Ho un nome senza titolo

Sono un arabo.
E voi avete rubato gli orti dei miei antenati
and the land which I cultivated
with my children,
leaving nothing
if these rocks
and the State take them.
As murmurs.

So '!
Write down on top of your page
not hate people
I have never abused anyone
But if I become affamanto
the s flesh becomes my food .
Be careful!
Be careful!
At my anger
and my hunger.