My last piece for Wake Up News :
Ahmad is thin, has dark eyes and looks a bit 'to his brother. His brother is named Mohammed Rajullah and is co-author of the film T or shoot an elephant with Alberto Arce. To shoot an elephant racconta l’inferno di Gaza durante l’operazione piombo fuso. In quel film si vedono le ambulanze che vanno a prendere i feriti, le bombe, il fosforo bianco, l’invasione via terra e tante immagini di persone, di donne uomini e bambini normali la cui vita è stata distrutta da un attacco condannato dal rapporto Goldstone dell’ONU, che ha provocato più di 1400 vittime, la maggior parte delle quali bambini, ed ha lasciato un numero inaccettabile di orfani. Un soldato israeliano ebbe a dire , finita la guerra, che «Questo è il lato più bello, prendendo in considerazione Gaza. Vedi una persona camminare per strada… Non è necessario che porti weapon, do not identify with anything and you can just shoot him. "
Ahmad is thin, has brown eyes and is studying for maturity. He speaks English quite well for his age and says he wants to study English at university to become a translator. View the ruins of houses destroyed during the war. This is one of the few places where the ruins remain, because elsewhere the remains were collected from people who then resold them to be broken and make it concrete. You can see some pieces of concrete, some traces of walls and columns which protrude from a porcupine quills as iron bars for support. Ahmad said that he had already left some, but others are dead inside those homes when they were bombed. They were surrounded by cultivated fields, olive groves and orange trees that were uprooted and destroyed.
lives in a street near an old man in traditional dress showing her former home was destroyed and the field of olive trees. In this case the trees were not uprooted, but, because of white phosphorus, no longer produce olives. He says that when they bombed two years ago many people were killed, including several children, and other children were left without a parent. Some have moved to another area, and those who stayed say they fear because the tower that Israel is 350-400 meters the soldiers shoot almost every day. Ahmad translates to what you can, and does not talk much. At the bottom is talk of the village where he lives. I can not imagine what he is thinking. Sometimes she smiles, but there's something inside that I can not fully understand.
The other day in house where I live, in the same village of Ahmad, there were three women in front of the PC with Internet. The PC passed under the tunnel, because it is the only way they enter the computer here, and bought with money of his uncle in Germany. Naima read aloud a story in Arabic and, although I do not know Arabic well enough to understand it, the suo sguardo era preoccupato, anzi impaurito. Taragi mi guarda e mi dice, nel suo inglese non proprio perfetto: «The news say that Egypt told Hamas that Israel want to attack again Gaza, and Israel confirm».
Ecco, ve la lascio così questa notizia. Con l’inglese stentato di chi ha visto un massacro, e legge nelle notizie che l’incubo tornerà. Con l’incertezza, perché nessuno sa quando verrà nè con quale intensità.
« É ora per tutti quelli che hanno fatto sentire la loro voce con forza e vigore DOPO il massacro di Gaza due anni fa, di farla sentire ADESSO, e cercare di prevenire il prossimo '. - Ilan Pappe, historian.
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