Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Admission Fees For Cineplex

Best! Marco Castagnetti

I could not imagine how best to remember but, more importantly, to honor Marco Castagnetti and what he did than that practiced by the children (and parents) of Vertigo at the stage of Stuck In Fog last January 9, 2011.

organization perfect, beautiful boulder (an applause to David Cavozza!), Buffet rich and nice, everything put in place to accommodate the most participants. And the participants there were and how!
with loud cheers, the result of an infinite passion and dedication, showing that there are people who always move around and move things. And our sport is no exception.

Thanks again, e. .. wait for the photos!

You see everyone at the next stage which will be held:
Saturday, January 22, 2010
all'Equilibrium of Portile (MO)
All the info here.

PS also very short-reach the charts. Be patient!


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