Tareq's wife has fair skin and freckles, pink glimpse under the veil of black hair, eyes, deep and dark features stand out in the graceful, more reminiscent of the Far East to the Middle East. It is very thin and wears a green cotton dress, I wonder how he can not shake the cold with a temperature of about 10 degrees. Here is sitting on a bucket upside down outside with two neighbors, surrounded by children and tells his story.
It is part of the family Al-Najar, and explains that before the attack of Israel which lasted 22 days and has been called "lead time", he lived with his family in a beautiful house. The house was divided into 2 parts: half for her and her husband, half brother of the family.
During the invasion of a missile fired at the neighbor's house, after the crossing, broke three of their walls. On January 13, 2009, during a raid by special forces, tanks and gunfire forced them to stay at home, 40 people, more than 20 children. A woman, Roya'a Al Najar, out of desperation, out of the house waving a white flag, hoping to be able to get out and escape to a place safer with his family. Israeli soldiers shot it, and she, unable to move, loses a lot of blood. Because of gunfire and tanks, the ambulance does not bring more, Yasmeen Al Najar, a girl of 23 years, try to get closer to render assistance and shoot in the leg. Another man, Al Najar Mahmmod out of the house to rescue the two women was shot in the head and dies. When, after 24 hours, unable to get the ambulance and they manage to get away, Roya'a has bled to death.
few days later, when it was again possible return, the house was destroyed and all the houses around it. Olive trees, some even 50 years, had been uprooted. Non era rimasto più nulla. Niente casa, niente ulivi ed alberi da frutto, niente terra da coltivare: nessun avere e nessuna fonte di sostentamento. Per un mese hanno ricevuto aiuti dall'UNRWA per comperare cibo e coperte, e per un anno hanno ricevuto soldi per pagare l'affitto. Ma dopo la guerra il prezzo degli affitti era aumentato ed i soldi non erano più sufficienti. Così si sono visti costretti a mettere su queste quattro mura in cemento e costruirci un rifugio attorno. Il tetto è di lamiera e dentro non c'è spazio per più di due piccole stanze, e si riconosce una veranda esterna formata da teli.
for school children have to travel a road that passes near a control tower from which Israeli soldiers shoot, and they are afraid. The school is also located near the border, and sometimes the soldiers shoot while the kids are in school last month, the children were sent home three times before the end of the school because of raids and shootings in 'area around the building. Children AlNajar lack places to play safely, it is dangerous to leave the house. "After 6 we can not remove the house, because the dark is dangerous to move because of gunfire. I nostri mariti hanno venduto le macerie delle case distrutte dal bombardamento perché venissero frantumate e vendute come materiale edile. Con i soldi ricavati abbiamo comperato il cibo per noi e per i bambini, ma ora non sappiamo più come fare: ci manca la farina per fare il pane...in casa non abbiamo coperte, non abbiamo mobili, fa freddo. Non arriva la corrente e abbiamo dei problemi per l'acqua potabile.”
La povertà può avere tante cause: più essere causata da un disastro naturale, come un'inondazione o un terremoto, può essere causata dal fatto che una qualche forma di disabilità impedisce di lavorare, sono tutte cause che nella maggior parte dei casi non è possibile evitare, this causes sadness. But when poverty is caused by the fact that Israel destroys homes, uproot olive trees, prohibits access to arable land, and when to worry about the future means fear of gunfire, one of those bullets that anxiety may affect their sons and daughters, and terror in eyes of those sons and daughters, well, then the sadness comes in a rage, and you want to scream, hoping that someone will listen and put an end to this and many other horrible situations.
ps: although the problem remains political, not economic, the families have asked me food and blankets. If anyone is in contact with organizations that can provide food for the long period, or is able to donate, I leave my mail: todessil@gmail.com
Silvia Todeschini
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