Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hdcomcast Qam Pinnacle 801

Un comunicato delle forze di occupazione

Since the end of December the cases of civilians killed by forze di occupazione israeliane si sono intensificati. Prima di questo periodo erano frequenti i casi di persone colpite da proiettili alle gambe, con le ossa maciullate, ma ancora vive. Esiste un comunicato, rilasciato dall'entità sionista, in cui si dichiara che qualunque civile presente nella buffer zone viene considerato come copertura per i combattenti palestinesi.

Il 24 dicembre le forze di occupazione israeliane hanno ammazzato Salama Abu Hashish, 20 anni, a Beit Lahya, nord della striscia. Il 28 dicembre Hassan Mohammed Qedeh, 19 anni, è stato ucciso a Khuza'a, sud della striscia. Shaban Karmout, 65 anni, è morto dopo essere stato colpito da tre proiettili al petto e al collo il 16 gennaio a Beit Hannoun, nord. Amjad ElZaaneen, 17 years, was killed by a grenade still in Beit Hannoun. All these people were unarmed.

Saber lives in Beit Hannoun, north of the strip, and is the spokesman for the local initiatives Beit Hannoun, "which, among other activities, organizes events in the buffer zones. Shows a sheet which has just come into possession, it is a statement signed IDF (Israeli Defence Force) and dated December 26, 2010: "[...]
The presence of Palestinian civilians in the area adjacent to the security barrier is used by terrorist organizations to cover their activities, including placing explosive devices, plan terrorist attacks and groped to kidnap IDF soldiers. For this reason, the IDF will not allow anyone to be present in this area. [...]".
Interestingly, the language that is written this statement: those who are in fact the Israeli occupying forces themselves as forces (Defence Force), the segregation wall, the barrier that keeps the Zionist racist and imprisoned the Palestinians inside the strip Gaza is a "security barrier", who fights for the freedom of his people under occupation, exercising a right that the UN has recognized * is defined as "terrorist", making a hostage an Israeli soldier invading the territory of Gaza is called "abduction" (Palestinians in Israeli prisons are many thousands, seized their land and are often not charged with any crime) ... and this is shown only part of the official statement.

Saber: "It is wrong to call the buffer zone (buffer zone, in Italian) because this is the name we have given the Israeli occupation forces: it is assumed that there are two states in the war, when in fact the situation here is not can be called war, but occupation. The name is most appropriate "no-go zone", an area where access is prohibited because it is Israel that unilaterally prohibit access to a territory which in fact should be under Palestinian jurisdiction. We still continue to do events in that area, because it is our land, because we are the peasants and the inhabitants of the place, because if we stop now, what will they do next time? Increase the no-go zones up to 500 meters? What are the consequences for those who live there and for those who cultivate it? Since it already now comprises 35% of agricultural land in Gaza, which would be the consequences for our food self-sufficiency? The last time we did an event with us were relatives of Shaban Karmut. We are not going to stop, will not be a press to make us pull back, this is our land and we will continue to go there! "Maybe

quello che i sionisti, con la loro retorica, i loro F16, droni, armi automatiche ad altissima precisione e carri armati non hanno capito è che sono di fronte ad un popolo che ha la forza di stare in piedi anche con le ossa delle gambe spappolate dai dum dum. Un popolo la cui dignità non è stata messa in ginocchio da più di mezzo secolo di occupazione, un popolo che fa appello alla solidarietà internazionale per vedere riconosciuti i propri diritti.

Prendi nota
sono arabo
mi chiamo arabo non ho altro nome
sto fermo dove ogni altra cosa
trema di rabbia
ho messo radici qui
prima ancora degli ulivi e dei cedri
discendo da quelli che spingevano l’aratro
mio padre era povero contadino
senza terra né titoli
la mia casa una capanna di sterco.
Ti fa invidia?
Hai rubato le mie vigne
e la terra che avevo da dissodare
non hai lasciato nulla per i miei figli
soltanto i sassi
e ho sentito che il tuo governo
esproprierà anche i sassi
ebbene allora prendi nota che prima di tutto
non odio nessuno e neppure rubo
ma quando mi affamano
mangio la carne del mio oppressore
attento alla mia fame,
attento alla mia rabbia.
(Mahmud Darwish)

* La 20° sessione dell'assemblea generale ONU dichiarava "la legittimita' della lotta da parte dei popoli sotto oppressione coloniale, per esercitare il loro diritto all'autodeterminazione e all'indipendenza"; Il Protocollo Addizionale I della Convenzione di Ginevra del 1949 affermava che la lotta armata poteva essere usata, come ultima risorsa, come mezzo per esercitare il diritto all'autodeterminazione, per citare le due risoluzioni principali a proposito.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Where Can I Find Lypsyl

Altri feriti ed un morto in un'incursione a Beit Hannouon

Il mio pezzo per Wake Up News :

Per togliere le schegge conficcate in profondità nella carne è needed an operation, but the doctor says, before it can operate, that patients must be stable. So will be operated the next day.

Sharaf, 19, with shrapnel from a grenade from a tank in the chest, speaking in a low voice: "We were picking up a stone, when we received the news of the raid, and left them cart, the horse and the stones and we escaped. Then when we thought it was all over, we're back: immediately the Israeli soldiers began firing from the tank, the shrapnel hit me right away, but I managed to escape to the main road, and then I fainted. "

Ismael, 16, has a splinter deep in the back, doctors have just finished estrargli several small splinters from the leg, he will work the next day. It seems even weaker, and have said that the six missiles fired, the soldiers fired in any direction, the workers tried to escape. He too was wounded, managed to reach the main road.

Oday, 11, got away with a scratch on his cheek. He says that every day he went in the same area to collect stones, with its brothers and sometimes with his cousin.
His cousin named Amjad was 18 and was the second to be struck: the doctor ci ha messo cinque minuti a morire, perché quando lo hanno portato all’ospedale, più di due ore dopo l’incidente, aveva un grande buco sull’addome causato dai missili del carro armato.

I parenti non lo sapevano, lo credevano sanguinante impossibilitato a muoversi e hanno provato ad avvicinarsi al luogo dell’incidente con una bandiera bianca, ma gli spari dei soldati li hanno costretti a tornare indietro. Per due ore non hanno potuto avvicinarsi, e per due ore hanno continuato a pensare si potesse ancora fare qualche cosa per la vita di Amjad. Amjad, che era andato a raccogliere pietre e macerie per guadagnare da vivere anche per loro.

Lo zio di Sharaf ha dichiarato: «[I soldati israeliani] commettono crimini qui ogni giorno. Nessuno dei civili può più raggiungere la sua terra. Le nostre vite sono diventate incredibilmente difficili. Nell’ultimo periodo c’è stata una fortissima crescita della brutalità: contadini, pastori, tutti loro vengono assassinati adesso».

Quando il giorno dopo siamo arrivate al luogo dell’incidente potevamo vedere in lontananza il cadavere di un cavallo chiaro ed un carretto, molto lontano, perché abbiamo preferito non avvicinarci troppo.

Cosa passa nella testa del soldato israeliano quando spara ai ragazzini? Quando vede che si tratta di ragazzini, quando li osserva raccogliere pietre? Cosa pensa il soldato israeliano dentro al carro armato? Cosa him to shoot from inside the control tower when he knows perfectly well that it is unarmed civilians?

And after killing what it does? He drinks a beer with friends? Pat on the heads of his children?

boycott Israel

Monday, January 24, 2011

Kate Playground Coach

Equilibrium e. ..

Great nice party on Saturday, January 22, 2011, at the 'Equilibrium of Portile.
Despite the beautiful day a large group of upright climber has answered the call and is challenged in the B & B: Boulder & Borlenghi (fantastici!).
Congratulations to all winners (Sara Morandi and Marcello Bombardi ) and Massimo and, as usual, shows great class in the organization.

Many thanks also to Marco and Andrea and the whole Reggio Gas for prizes.

See you next stop:
February 6, 2011
Walls Sports Center - Parma
not miss.

PS seems almost a mirage, but here you can find STANDINGS UPDATED!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Women Modeling Girdles

Le macerie di ieri e la paura per domani

My last piece for Wake Up News :

Ahmad is thin, has dark eyes and looks a bit 'to his brother. His brother is named Mohammed Rajullah and is co-author of the film T or shoot an elephant with Alberto Arce. To shoot an elephant racconta l’inferno di Gaza durante l’operazione piombo fuso. In quel film si vedono le ambulanze che vanno a prendere i feriti, le bombe, il fosforo bianco, l’invasione via terra e tante immagini di persone, di donne uomini e bambini normali la cui vita è stata distrutta da un attacco condannato dal rapporto Goldstone dell’ONU, che ha provocato più di 1400 vittime, la maggior parte delle quali bambini, ed ha lasciato un numero inaccettabile di orfani. Un soldato israeliano ebbe a  dire , finita la guerra, che «Questo è il lato più bello, prendendo in considerazione Gaza. Vedi una persona camminare per strada… Non è necessario che porti weapon, do not identify with anything and you can just shoot him. "
Ahmad is thin, has brown eyes and is studying for maturity. He speaks English quite well for his age and says he wants to study English at university to become a translator. View the ruins of houses destroyed during the war. This is one of the few places where the ruins remain, because elsewhere the remains were collected from people who then resold them to be broken and make it concrete. You can see some pieces of concrete, some traces of walls and columns which protrude from a porcupine quills as iron bars for support. Ahmad said that he had already left some, but others are dead inside those homes when they were bombed. They were surrounded by cultivated fields, olive groves and orange trees that were uprooted and destroyed.

lives in a street near an old man in traditional dress showing her former home was destroyed and the field of olive trees. In this case the trees were not uprooted, but, because of white phosphorus, no longer produce olives. He says that when they bombed two years ago many people were killed, including several children, and other children were left without a parent. Some have moved to another area, and those who stayed say they fear because the tower that Israel is 350-400 meters the soldiers shoot almost every day. Ahmad translates to what you can, and does not talk much. At the bottom is talk of the village where he lives. I can not imagine what he is thinking. Sometimes she smiles, but there's something inside that I can not fully understand.

The other day in house where I live, in the same village of Ahmad, there were three women in front of the PC with Internet. The PC passed under the tunnel, because it is the only way they enter the computer here, and bought with money of his uncle in Germany. Naima read aloud a story in Arabic and, although I do not know Arabic well enough to understand it, the suo sguardo era preoccupato, anzi impaurito. Taragi mi guarda e mi dice, nel suo inglese non proprio perfetto: «The news say that Egypt told Hamas that Israel want to attack again Gaza, and Israel confirm».
Ecco, ve la lascio così questa notizia. Con l’inglese stentato di chi ha visto un massacro, e legge nelle notizie che l’incubo tornerà. Con l’incertezza, perché nessuno sa quando verrà nè con quale intensità.
« É ora per tutti quelli che hanno fatto sentire la loro voce con forza e vigore DOPO il massacro di Gaza due anni fa, di farla sentire ADESSO, e cercare di prevenire il prossimo '. - Ilan Pappe, historian.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Funny Things To Write On Xmas Card

Famiglia Al-Najar

Tareq's wife has fair skin and freckles, pink glimpse under the veil of black hair, eyes, deep and dark features stand out in the graceful, more reminiscent of the Far East to the Middle East. It is very thin and wears a green cotton dress, I wonder how he can not shake the cold with a temperature of about 10 degrees. Here is sitting on a bucket upside down outside with two neighbors, surrounded by children and tells his story.

It is part of the family Al-Najar, and explains that before the attack of Israel which lasted 22 days and has been called "lead time", he lived with his family in a beautiful house. The house was divided into 2 parts: half for her and her husband, half brother of the family.
During the invasion of a missile fired at the neighbor's house, after the crossing, broke three of their walls. On January 13, 2009, during a raid by special forces, tanks and gunfire forced them to stay at home, 40 people, more than 20 children. A woman, Roya'a Al Najar, out of desperation, out of the house waving a white flag, hoping to be able to get out and escape to a place safer with his family. Israeli soldiers shot it, and she, unable to move, loses a lot of blood. Because of gunfire and tanks, the ambulance does not bring more, Yasmeen Al Najar, a girl of 23 years, try to get closer to render assistance and shoot in the leg. Another man, Al Najar Mahmmod out of the house to rescue the two women was shot in the head and dies. When, after 24 hours, unable to get the ambulance and they manage to get away, Roya'a has bled to death.
few days later, when it was again possible return, the house was destroyed and all the houses around it. Olive trees, some even 50 years, had been uprooted. Non era rimasto più nulla. Niente casa, niente ulivi ed alberi da frutto, niente terra da coltivare: nessun avere e nessuna fonte di sostentamento. Per un mese hanno ricevuto aiuti dall'UNRWA per comperare cibo e coperte, e per un anno hanno ricevuto soldi per pagare l'affitto. Ma dopo la guerra il prezzo degli affitti era aumentato ed i soldi non erano più sufficienti. Così si sono visti costretti a mettere su queste quattro mura in cemento e costruirci un rifugio attorno. Il tetto è di lamiera e dentro non c'è spazio per più di due piccole stanze, e si riconosce una veranda esterna formata da teli.

I rifugi si trovano a circa 350 metri dal confine, in quest'area la paura Israeli army pervades every daily action. "Two or three times a week, there are tanks that pass a few hundred meters from our house, shoot here every day, now we do not anymore. But when they shoot stronger children become scared ... the night can not sleep, have nightmares, crying. Then, after dark there are flocks of dogs are dangerous, they are freed by soldiers at the border. " In four families live in two small shelters, with 16 children. One of the girls suffered serious eye problems because of the white phosphorus and was able to go to Egypt for treatment but has not fully recovered his sight. The four families did not move from home in a safe place because they have nowhere else to go.

for school children have to travel a road that passes near a control tower from which Israeli soldiers shoot, and they are afraid. The school is also located near the border, and sometimes the soldiers shoot while the kids are in school last month, the children were sent home three times before the end of the school because of raids and shootings in 'area around the building. Children AlNajar lack places to play safely, it is dangerous to leave the house. "After 6 we can not remove the house, because the dark is dangerous to move because of gunfire. I nostri mariti hanno venduto le macerie delle case distrutte dal bombardamento perché venissero frantumate e vendute come materiale edile. Con i soldi ricavati abbiamo comperato il cibo per noi e per i bambini, ma ora non sappiamo più come fare: ci manca la farina per fare il casa non abbiamo coperte, non abbiamo mobili, fa freddo. Non arriva la corrente e abbiamo dei problemi per l'acqua potabile.”

La povertà può avere tante cause: più essere causata da un disastro naturale, come un'inondazione o un terremoto, può essere causata dal fatto che una qualche forma di disabilità impedisce di lavorare, sono tutte cause che nella maggior parte dei casi non è possibile evitare, this causes sadness. But when poverty is caused by the fact that Israel destroys homes, uproot olive trees, prohibits access to arable land, and when to worry about the future means fear of gunfire, one of those bullets that anxiety may affect their sons and daughters, and terror in eyes of those sons and daughters, well, then the sadness comes in a rage, and you want to scream, hoping that someone will listen and put an end to this and many other horrible situations.

ps: although the problem remains political, not economic, the families have asked me food and blankets. If anyone is in contact with organizations that can provide food for the long period, or is able to donate, I leave my mail:

Silvia Todeschini

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Admission Fees For Cineplex

Best! Marco Castagnetti

I could not imagine how best to remember but, more importantly, to honor Marco Castagnetti and what he did than that practiced by the children (and parents) of Vertigo at the stage of Stuck In Fog last January 9, 2011.

organization perfect, beautiful boulder (an applause to David Cavozza!), Buffet rich and nice, everything put in place to accommodate the most participants. And the participants there were and how!
with loud cheers, the result of an infinite passion and dedication, showing that there are people who always move around and move things. And our sport is no exception.

Thanks again, e. .. wait for the photos!

You see everyone at the next stage which will be held:
Saturday, January 22, 2010
all'Equilibrium of Portile (MO)
All the info here.

PS also very short-reach the charts. Be patient!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Beautiful Agony Dailymotion

Di spari, di morti, di bombe. Di terra, di freedom, of extraordinary strength.

did the farmer by trade for 35 years, was called Shaban Mohammed Shaker Karmoot, born in 1964. At one time on his land in Beit Hannoun growing olive trees, palm trees and lemon trees, then one night came the Israeli tanks and have them eradicated. They have broken through a wall of his house, they demolished the house next door davanti ai suoi occhi. Aveva 12 figli, nonostante quello che gli era successo aveva piantato nuove verdure ed alberi e si recava a coltivare la sua terra tutti i giorni, arrivava al campo alle sei e mezzo del mattino e tornava a casa alle quattro e mezzo del pomeriggio. Anche il 10 gennaio ci è andato, però non è tornato a casa perché gli hanno sparato: un colpo al collo, uno al petto ed uno all'addome. C'era l'intento di uccidere da parte di chi sparava, e Shaban è morto. È morto nella sua terra, coltivandola come faceva da 35 anni. Le forze di occupazione non sono riuscite ad incatenarlo con la paura degli spari e delle incursioni, e per impedirgli di coltivare hanno dovuto sparargli.

Il 4 Gennaio four Israeli bulldozers entered the area near the border near Khuza'a, in the south of the strip, protected by nine tanks, two Apache helicopters, two F-16s and several drones. They destroyed 50 dunums of land and at least 13 families have had to temporarily leave their homes. But later they returned to their homes, despite the bullet holes on some walls.
"They make these raids and pe r frighten us and send us away from our house. They want to convince us that there will be another war and it takes away from our homes so you can do whatever they want without hindrance and without witnesses. But we will not leave our homes, this is our land and we will stay here until we can. "(Shatha Abu Rjela)

This new war, however, seems sadly close: the two incidents described above I'm just a clear example of how an escalation in violence in Israel. In December, Israeli Prime Minister Silvan Shalom said that Tel Aviv should "respond and respond with all our strength" when the Palestinian resistance fighters would stop launching their homemade rockets.

According to Ilan Pappe, historian and intellectual origins of the Israeli who emigrated to England: "There is an intention to bring down the Strip and its people once again, but with more brutality and for a shorter period of time. [...] The scenario for the next round is unfolding before our eyes and looks so depressing at the same position in the process of deterioration that preceded the massacre in Gaza two years ago, daily bombings on the Gaza Strip and a policy that attempts to provoke Hamas in order to justify a higher number of attacks. [...] It's time for all those who have made their voices heard with strength and power in Gaza after the massacre two years ago to make you feel right now, and try to prevent the next. "

Khuza'a Every day you hear gunshots coming from the control tower, and every day or so Israeli soldiers shooting at peasants and shepherds near the border, causing serious injury if not death of the worker concerned. Several times a day, the drones, F-16s and Apaches flying in the sky, and these, when not discharging bombs, carry with them a load of dark memories and fear. The life of these men, women and children, is resistance. It is a cry that will not be under the yoke of occupation. It is an example of extraordinary strength. And it's time for those who claim to love freedom, to compromise. To prevent the next war, but more importantly to support queste persone nella loro quotidiana resistenza.

In effetti tutto ciò di cui ho parlato ha a che fare con la libertà e non con la ricchezza. Non è un problema di elemosina, il punto non è che questa gente ha bisogno di aiuti materiali. Il problema è politico. Rivedo gli occhi fermi, decisi, quasi severi di Taragi, madre di 5 ragazze, con il marito in carcere e la casa ad un chilometro dal confine: “L'esercito israeliano ha invaso le terre che coltivavamo e le ha rese aride, ma non vogliamo aiuti economici per questo. Non vogliamo assistenza psicologica per i traumi causati dai soldati israeliani, dai loro bulldozer, dai loro proiettili, dai loro carri armati, dai loro Apaches, F16 e droni. We do not want it 'money will' psychologists. We want the Israeli soldiers leave. We want not to be afraid of their shots. We want to live in our land. We want to be free. "

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Living With One Kidney Need Iron

A house of women.

We arrived at the family home Aburgela, near Khan Younis in Kusa, at about 5 pm. A lady about 40 years said to be mother of five daughters, her husband is in an Israeli jail for three years and must remain there another two because under torture he confessed to a crime he never committed. Molten lead during one of his daughters has breathed the fumes of white phosphorus and was very ill, and two days before our arrival c’era stata un’incursione e sono rimaste chiuse in casa per tutto il tempo, che spesso di fronte a casa ci sono i carri armati…
Ci dicono che cercano il nostro aiuto. Allora ci offriamo di cercare contatti con associazioni che possano passare dei finanziamenti, soprattutto per coltivare, ci dicono no. Una di noi, che lavora in un centro di assistenza psicologia, propone loro di avere assistenza psicologica da questo, rifiutano. Lei ribadisce il concetto, la madre di 5 figlie comincia ad innervosirsi, non ne vuole sapere, dice che è psicologa pure lei, non cerca un’assistenza psicologica. A questo punto scopriamo che la figlia maggiore parla inglese molto bene, perché interviene nella discussione con l’energia of those who believe they have in front of someone who does not understand the obvious:

"No, you do not understand. We do not want associated contacts because they give us money. We do not want money. We do not want to contact someone who can offer counseling. My mother is a social worker, psychologist, and we do not need other counseling. We want my younger sisters will leave the house without fear of gunfire. We want to fall asleep at night without fear of being attacked. We just want to live quietly at home. We want you to write our story so then the people here know and things change. Sometimes it arrived a few giornalista, gli abbiamo raccontato la storia e poi se ne è andato e non è cambiato nulla. Vogliamo che restiate qui, che non ci abbandoniate.”

Io la ho guardata e non ho saputo che risponderle. Cosa dovevo dirle? Che anche se la gente lo sa non cambia nulla, perché “la gente” non fa niente? Dovevo dirle che anche se mi fermavo li non cambiava molto per loro perché comunque io sono nella lista nera israeliana e non è che interrompono un’incursione perché un’attivista italiana si trova nelle vicinanze?
Ho spiegato loro tutto questo la sera, quando ho deciso di fermarmi.
Penso, ne ero convinta anche ad Hebron, che la mia o la nostra presence in Palestine do not change the situation immediately, so that the Israelis do not like how he does not like the Palestinians, they do not make too much difference. In the evening, at night, you could hear the bulldozers that were destroying some probably land somewhere nearby Palestinian sought to cultivate in the morning we woke to two tanks a few hundred meters from home in the afternoon there was one, the evening and again the two younger daughters fled to sleep in the nearby city center. No, it was a raid, it is normal and happens every day.
The fact that I was there (and continue to) does not change this situation. The difference is that these women, perhaps, feel a bit 'less sun and it is, I believe, much of what I can do.

" We Do not Want Your Money. We Want Freedom "(a professor of English, two years ago, in Hebron)

boycott Israel.