Siamo studenti palestinesi, artisti, intellettuali, insegnanti, attivisti ed individui di diverse perspectives and political affiliations. We are writing medieval and brutal siege that has brought Gaza to ask him to participate in and organize the seventh Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW - Israeli Apartheid Week) [1], which starts in all the world March 7, 2011. We call for solidarity groups and individuals to follow during this week, the vibrating footsteps of Tunisian and Egyptian creating a week of action against the Israeli Apartheid that echoes the strength and height of the movement against apartheid South Africa of the 70s and 80.
The aim of IAW is to inform people about the nature of Israel as an apartheid system and build campaigns for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) as part of the global BDS movement. [2] During that week we ask you, courageous activists in solidarity with Palestine, to inform, to support boycott actions against Israel, and to give rise to mass direct action such as an unprecedented move people around the world so Israel remains without supporters. Here in Gaza would be happy to hook up with you through Skype video conferencing and radio interviews, to tell our lives in Gaza, the BDS campaign and the purpose of Israel Apartheid Week after the success of last year.
NOW is the time for mass action the boycott, divestment and sanctions, and highlighting opposition to the barbaric yoke of Israel, the murder and ethnic cleansing against us, the original people of Palestine. It is time now for all of us to intensify the message that governments complicit in the ongoing barbarism of Israel against our people will be stripped and changed. We salute the brave people of the Arab nomdo that inspired us so greatly in our fight against the biggest violator of UN resolutions, the biggest rogue state.
How long do we, Palestinians in Gaza, we hear that in our case is good to live under a siege Medieval confined by land, sea and sky? Most of us can not get out of this narrow strip of land, the largest open-air prison in the world and most adults can not possibly work. 800,000 of us, more than half of our population are children. We are still in mourning because of the Israeli attacks of winter 2009, when 1,400 people were killed, and among them 350 children. While human rights groups and the Goldstone report of the United Nations show and document the extensive catalog of abuses to human rights, crimes against humanity and collective punishment, international justice and governments do not act outrageously in any way. Because of this inaction, we expect more massacres, more land confiscations, imprisonments more and more racial subjugation.
course, Israel has the fourth strongest army in the world, but this never prevented Palestinians to resist. Now there are more possibilities than before to achieve justice. Before and we will act more powerfully, before this farce will end, and before the day comes that the people of Palestine may issue a sigh of relief, because at least we have the same human rights as anyone someone else, instead of this life in captivity, humiliation, broken dreams, broken homes and loss of people amate.
Oltre 170 organizzazioni palestinesi hanno lanciato un appello nel 2005 per boicottare, disinvestire ed imporre sanzioni contro Israele fino a che non ponga un termine alle sue politiche di occupazione e colonizzazione contro i nativi residenti nella terra occupata, fino a che non garantisca il diritto al ritorno del popolo palestinese alle proprie case, e dia uguali diritti ai palestinesi residenti in Israele. [3]
Come molti eroi contro il regime razzista sudafricano, l'arcivescovo Desmond Tutu e Ronnie Kasrils hanno dichiarato che ci stiamo confrontando con un'oppressione più feroce di quella che hanno born to them, and joined the call for the boycott. In a tour of the West Bank, Madlala Routledge, South African Minister of Defence from 1999 to 2004 said: "It is hard for me to describe my feelings. What I see here is worse than what I experienced ... complete control over people's lives, the lack of freedom of movement, the army presence everywhere, the complete separation and the extensive destruction we saw. "
Please make this the biggest Israeli Apartheid week so far. NOW is the time to try and prevent the next massacre imines. Only the international civil society can discourage another massacre, can end the siege, can bring justice. If the international governments do not act, it's up to you to wake up the world and change the course of history. As in South Africa, the unbalance between the power of image in this struggle can be counterbalanced by a powerful movement in the head with the BDS.
Last year the Israeli Apartheid Week was held in 40 cities - this year there waiting for over a hundred. We Palestinians of the Gaza Bantustan acciamo appeal to you to start preparing now and make this an Israeli Apartheid Week will be remembered, but before a catalyst for change. You know we have the maximum the support you can give. The events of the last month show that in the Arab world can really be that an oppressive power is removed. It depends on us.
PSCABI (Campaini Palestinian Student for the Academic Boycott of Israel)
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