My piece Wake Up News
Aysha Abujazan, donna di 55 anni proveniente da Rafah racconta che suo figlio Ahmad Jimah Abujazar è stato rapito e portato in carcere otto anni fa durante un raid israeliano, lo stesso giorno la loro casa è stata distrutta. Ahmad aveva 18 anni quando è stato rapito e deve scontare diciassette anni di carcere. Durante questi primi 8 anni di detenzione Aysha non ha potuto parlare con il figlio nemmeno per telefono .
Majdoub Ibrahim's mother, who was imprisoned when he was 19 years and now has 25, said his son was able to phone home once last year. Was taken because he was in a West Bank ID gazawo, and therefore, according to Israeli soldiers, had to be part of the resistance.
Since 1967, more than 760 000 Palestinians have had the experience of the Israeli jail. Among them there are 13 thousand women and 25 000 children aged 12 to 18 years.
According to data Infopal , currently the number of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails is 6100, 214 of these are in administrative detention (ie, without charge, a situation which may be extended to the bitter end, even in one case for 60 months). 251 are minors, including 32 children under 16 years. Among the prisoners there are ten of Palestinian ministers and MPs, two of them were sentenced to life imprisonment: Marwan al-Barghouti and Mahmoud Ramah. 203 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails have been killed after arrest or died in detention.
Fahmi Kanan is one of the 214 people who have stood in the Basilica of the Nativity for 39 days, then was deported to Gaza, passed in May will be 10 years without a chance to meet his family.
"I have a message to be disseminated, by the fortunes of Bethlehem - he explains - the international community and the UN to interfere to stop Israeli crimes against international law and in particular the Geneva Convention against . Do not allow people to review their family, as has happened to us and it happens constantly and all the prisoners is a crime, the families can not visit the prisoners and they are humiliated in prison. The world must act to release them! Shalid is the only prigioniero israeliano nelle carceri palestinesi , e tutto il mondo fa appelli perchè venga rilasciato, mentre noi abbiamo quasi settemila prigionieri nelle carceri israeliane e nessuno dice niente.
Aggiungo io che Shalid è stato preso durante l’invasione in un territorio sotto l’autorità palestinese, mentre gran parte dei prigionieri palestinesi sono stati rapiti, sottratti alle loro stesse abitazioni, e alle forze di occupazione israeliane non è necessario né un mandato né un pretesto per effettuare gli arresti.
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