Sunday, March 6, 2011, the Arena Boulder Wild King (King Rock) was held on the last leg from 2010 to 2011 edition of your favorite bouldering circuit: Locked In Fog .
In a beautiful sunny day (and how could it not the end of the fog?) 121 compulsive resinomani have peeled her fingers in blood, massacred the muscles and joints, inflamed tendons ... have inhaled chalk dust. .. have sweated and cursed the heat and humidity ... well ... had fun like crazy! (next year we will be sponsoring the AIPSIMED).
After 5 hours, 300 sandwiches, 33 boulder, 5 chocolate salami, and the final two rounds of beer 2fusti sprout a phantasmagoric Alice Gianelli (13 years!) And Stefano grintosissima Bettoli .
Honorable Mention team Geko-La Palestrina for the costumes (almost embarrassing ;-)
A round of applause to the King of Rock team that has deserved the confidence of many participants.
Rankings stage can be found here .
And now ... the final results.
After 10 stages over four months here are the podiums.
Female classification
1. Glenda Pelosi - 772 points! 2. White Bomb - 609 points 3. Sara Lambertini - 427 points
Standings Men 1. Ermanno "Goldfinger-the Coach" Maistri - 656 points 2. Amilcar "Robocop" Luciani - 553 points 3. GianMaria "devil" Savani - 458 points
And now just two numbers to point out, if any were needed, how much you love the fog:
- total participants increased from the circuit 306, 2009-10 (113 in the first year ) to 478 (women from 55 to 112!);
- attendance at the various stages were 217 in the first edition, 343 in the second, and third in the 575 ... 943 ! in this.
'll look sboroni that if they pull it but it is only because we sboroni that if they pull it!
Thank you all.
Thanks to the participants, young and old.
Thanks to gyms and all those who have been beaten to organize every single step. With
With shops that have provided prizes stage (in this order: Kamp 3000, New Horizons, Reggio Gas, Walls Shop, North Cape, and Out & Out Turnover Sport .
Grazie agli sponsor: Wild Climb, Smog, Il Risuolatore, Camp-Cassin, E9, Climbing Training, Pareti e Versante Sud-Up Climbing
Grazie davvero.
Grazie anche da MWCT Italia ONLUS , da PAW e da MWCT Malawi (943 partecipanti x 1 € = 943 €… davvero niente male!).
Insomma, grazie a tutti, ma proprio a tutti e… arrivederci alla prossima edizione di Bloccati Nella Nebbia !
P.S. Le classifiche finali le trovate qui .
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