Monday, March 8, 2010
Can You Use Cat Litter For Rabbit Litter
Special Prize
Hello everyone.
The official motto of the sport (mostly rejected or at least forgotten, in television celebrity athlete-hero) is: the imp ortante is not winning but taking part . For the team
Stuck In Fog this phrase is not just a nice thing to say to those coming in the rear, but it is a real milestone, a guiding principle. There was that there would not be our / your nebbiosissimo circuit ... suffice official competitions like the Cup Italy phases (which, incidentally, was reorganized in the form of meetings "open" after the unsuccessful attempt to limit access to elite athletes at the top of the CNP ... but this is another story).
L’importante non è vincere, ma partecipare . Reinterpretando il senso della frase, la vittoria è nella partecipazione .
Adesso, finita quest'edizione del circuito, le 8 palestre del team Bloccati Nella Nebbia hanno deciso di rendere questa interpretazione reale, materiale, tangibile, premiando i due atleti che hanno preso parte a tutte le 8 tappe di Bloccati Nella Nebbia 2009/2010 : Ermanno “Herman” Maistri e Federico “Big” Barbi.
Il premio: un abbonamento trimestrale (aprile, maggio, giugno 2010) valido per tutte le palestre del Circuito , ovvero:
Blocstation - Forlì
Equilibrium - Portile (MO)
Geko - King Rock
Modena - Verona
My Wall - Mantova
Tonga - Mandriva (RE)
Totem - Carpi (MO)
Vertigo - Sassuolo (MO)
A round of applause and thanks to both a brave and gallant winners and everyone, absolutely everyone, those who have participated (even at one stage).
Hello everyone.
The official motto of the sport (mostly rejected or at least forgotten, in television celebrity athlete-hero) is: the imp ortante is not winning but taking part . For the team
Stuck In Fog this phrase is not just a nice thing to say to those coming in the rear, but it is a real milestone, a guiding principle. There was that there would not be our / your nebbiosissimo circuit ... suffice official competitions like the Cup Italy phases (which, incidentally, was reorganized in the form of meetings "open" after the unsuccessful attempt to limit access to elite athletes at the top of the CNP ... but this is another story).
L’importante non è vincere, ma partecipare . Reinterpretando il senso della frase, la vittoria è nella partecipazione .
Adesso, finita quest'edizione del circuito, le 8 palestre del team Bloccati Nella Nebbia hanno deciso di rendere questa interpretazione reale, materiale, tangibile, premiando i due atleti che hanno preso parte a tutte le 8 tappe di Bloccati Nella Nebbia 2009/2010 : Ermanno “Herman” Maistri e Federico “Big” Barbi.
Il premio: un abbonamento trimestrale (aprile, maggio, giugno 2010) valido per tutte le palestre del Circuito , ovvero:
Blocstation - Forlì
Equilibrium - Portile (MO)
Geko - King Rock
Modena - Verona
My Wall - Mantova
Tonga - Mandriva (RE)
Totem - Carpi (MO)
Vertigo - Sassuolo (MO)
A round of applause and thanks to both a brave and gallant winners and everyone, absolutely everyone, those who have participated (even at one stage).

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Christmas Candlelight Ceremony Program
As promised, here standings of the race is on Sunday at King Rock, both General Circuit Stuck In Fog 2009-2010. Standings
King Rock
Global Circuit Standings
As promised, here standings of the race is on Sunday at King Rock, both General Circuit Stuck In Fog 2009-2010. Standings
King Rock
Global Circuit Standings
Memory Entertainment Pack Mean
Bloccati Nella Nebbia - resoconto tappa finale - King Rock 28/2/2010
The February 28, 2010, the King Rock of Verona, was held the eighth and final stage of the largest circuit Bouldering in Italy (yes, we do not have competitors with 8 stages): Stuck in the Fog 2009/2010.
greatest delight for all 66 participants (12 girls and 53 boys) who have stripped for good fingers (and the knees, elbows, wrists, ankles and all the body parts that were not covered by at least two layers of ripstop fabric) on the 33 issues tracked by the beautiful King Rock team, headed by the blond and tonicissimo Andrea Tosi, in cahoots with the sempretenente Biciu and Vanni Old Climber In Action (my personal congratulations to them for drawing it varies right degree and fun ... then on to note that the boulders have been kept secret from everybody until the evening of Saturday: a really great work!).
What happened then? Well, from 12 to 17, the end of the world: young girls, boys and boys who were jumping from one problem to another, watching, trying retry, seeking methode , parrying, or spread on placcaccia puffing under the cliffs, heel, heel, heel, throwing or trying to do static static, swooping down like feathers or cold (this is my case), short In a word, a lot fun. At 17
those who check for the final are in order: Stefania De Grandi, Emma Maguire, Glenda Pelosi, Marianna Margins, Mariella and Quartararo Flaviana Pelosi, for women, and Marastoni Marco, Marcello Bombardi, Ermanno Maistre, Louis Billoro, Marco Bortoletto and Luca Bazzani for men.
few minutes to mark the boulder the finals taking place, to the delight and comfort of the public, both in the field Isatis , and then you go on reconnaissance. At first glance you immediately see the styles of the markers: the physical and dynamic pages created by Tosi and cleats, tablets and "mangy" those of Biciu. Overall some nice trips for everyone (16 movements for men and less than 19 for women could draw them in vertical room ;-).
The finals are held, alternating women and men (2 rounds and 2 minutes with unlimited attempts for each competitor) and the show is highlighted by the screams and applause of an audience really the protagonist.
the cessation of hostilities the women's podium is the same alla tappa del 14 febbraio del Geko e vede quindi primeggiare Stefania , seguita da Emma e Glenda , mentre quello maschile ritrova sul gradino l'abbonato di lusso Marcello (con un clamoroso Top flash del boulder di finale!), seguito da due dei quattro rappresentanti della classe 1972 della finale: Marco (Marastoni) ed Ermanno .
La classifica finale femminile del circuito vede ampiamente confermate le previsioni della vigilia: vince Glenda Pelosi con 490 punti , seconda Emma Maguire con 440 e terza, grazie alla zampata finale , Stefania De Grandi with 355 (well, with the first step of the podium and third inverted ...).
As for the men's final standings , ending a spectacular race for first place Marcello's "B-17" Bomb that, hitting his fourth win in six stages effected reaches 560 points, overtaking in extremis Herman "Herman" Maistri (535 points) you have to "settle" for second place . To give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of confrontation between these two athletes, just think that the third place, Michele Marazzi , he took a break of no less than 219 points! (316) .
I premi del Circuito, per darvi un'idea, sono stati:
- 1° Femminile : € 600 in prodotti Marmot (offerti da Marmot), un trave XLarge (offerto da Smog) e una targa (offerta da WildClimb/il Risuolatore);
- 2° Femminile: € 300 in prodotti Marmot (offerti da Marmot), un trave Large (offerto da Smog) e una targa (offerta da WildClimb/il Risuolatore);
- 3° Femminile: € 100 in prodotti Marmot (offerti da Marmot), un trave Medium (offerto da Smog) e una targa (offerta da WildClimb/il Risuolatore);
- 1° Maschile: € 750 in prodotti Marmot (offerti da Marmot), un trave XLarge (offerto da Smog) e una targa (offerta da WildClimb/il Risuolatore);
- 2° Maschile: € 500 in prodotti Marmot (offerti da Marmot), un trave Large (offerto da Smog) e una targa (offerta da WildClimb/il Risuolatore);
- 3° Maschile: € 250 in prodotti Marmot (offerti da Marmot), un trave Medium (offerto da Smog) e una targa (offerta da WildClimb/il Risuolatore).
Non potendo rimandarvi al prossimo appuntamento, vediamo di tirare un po' le somme.
Le 8 tappe (!) del circuito hanno visto ben 303 partecipanti (250 uomini e 53 donne) : voi ! E a voi vanno i primi e più sentiti ringraziamenti da all those who have contributed to the organization of the circuit. I would also like to personally thank
eight fantastic team who have joined gyms initiative: we all know that is difficult to organize these parties but, given the results, it is really worth!
Special thanks to our very generous and made extremely available sponsor: Marmot , Wild Climb, the sole and Smog . Without them you would have competed only for the glory!
I can only give you an appointment 2010/2011 edition of the circuit that will, as usual, in November with the ' enogastrobloccoraduno ™ of Tonga (Mandrio - RE ).
Thanks again to all ... good out of the fog! PS
the classifications will be made public once we have the final results of the 4 th / 5 th / 6 th place ... female patient.

The February 28, 2010, the King Rock of Verona, was held the eighth and final stage of the largest circuit Bouldering in Italy (yes, we do not have competitors with 8 stages): Stuck in the Fog 2009/2010.
greatest delight for all 66 participants (12 girls and 53 boys) who have stripped for good fingers (and the knees, elbows, wrists, ankles and all the body parts that were not covered by at least two layers of ripstop fabric) on the 33 issues tracked by the beautiful King Rock team, headed by the blond and tonicissimo Andrea Tosi, in cahoots with the sempretenente Biciu and Vanni Old Climber In Action (my personal congratulations to them for drawing it varies right degree and fun ... then on to note that the boulders have been kept secret from everybody until the evening of Saturday: a really great work!).
What happened then? Well, from 12 to 17, the end of the world: young girls, boys and boys who were jumping from one problem to another, watching, trying retry, seeking methode , parrying, or spread on placcaccia puffing under the cliffs, heel, heel, heel, throwing or trying to do static static, swooping down like feathers or cold (this is my case), short In a word, a lot fun. At 17
those who check for the final are in order: Stefania De Grandi, Emma Maguire, Glenda Pelosi, Marianna Margins, Mariella and Quartararo Flaviana Pelosi, for women, and Marastoni Marco, Marcello Bombardi, Ermanno Maistre, Louis Billoro, Marco Bortoletto and Luca Bazzani for men.
few minutes to mark the boulder the finals taking place, to the delight and comfort of the public, both in the field Isatis , and then you go on reconnaissance. At first glance you immediately see the styles of the markers: the physical and dynamic pages created by Tosi and cleats, tablets and "mangy" those of Biciu. Overall some nice trips for everyone (16 movements for men and less than 19 for women could draw them in vertical room ;-).
The finals are held, alternating women and men (2 rounds and 2 minutes with unlimited attempts for each competitor) and the show is highlighted by the screams and applause of an audience really the protagonist.
the cessation of hostilities the women's podium is the same alla tappa del 14 febbraio del Geko e vede quindi primeggiare Stefania , seguita da Emma e Glenda , mentre quello maschile ritrova sul gradino l'abbonato di lusso Marcello (con un clamoroso Top flash del boulder di finale!), seguito da due dei quattro rappresentanti della classe 1972 della finale: Marco (Marastoni) ed Ermanno .
La classifica finale femminile del circuito vede ampiamente confermate le previsioni della vigilia: vince Glenda Pelosi con 490 punti , seconda Emma Maguire con 440 e terza, grazie alla zampata finale , Stefania De Grandi with 355 (well, with the first step of the podium and third inverted ...).
As for the men's final standings , ending a spectacular race for first place Marcello's "B-17" Bomb that, hitting his fourth win in six stages effected reaches 560 points, overtaking in extremis Herman "Herman" Maistri (535 points) you have to "settle" for second place . To give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of confrontation between these two athletes, just think that the third place, Michele Marazzi , he took a break of no less than 219 points! (316) .
I premi del Circuito, per darvi un'idea, sono stati:
- 1° Femminile : € 600 in prodotti Marmot (offerti da Marmot), un trave XLarge (offerto da Smog) e una targa (offerta da WildClimb/il Risuolatore);
- 2° Femminile: € 300 in prodotti Marmot (offerti da Marmot), un trave Large (offerto da Smog) e una targa (offerta da WildClimb/il Risuolatore);
- 3° Femminile: € 100 in prodotti Marmot (offerti da Marmot), un trave Medium (offerto da Smog) e una targa (offerta da WildClimb/il Risuolatore);
- 1° Maschile: € 750 in prodotti Marmot (offerti da Marmot), un trave XLarge (offerto da Smog) e una targa (offerta da WildClimb/il Risuolatore);
- 2° Maschile: € 500 in prodotti Marmot (offerti da Marmot), un trave Large (offerto da Smog) e una targa (offerta da WildClimb/il Risuolatore);
- 3° Maschile: € 250 in prodotti Marmot (offerti da Marmot), un trave Medium (offerto da Smog) e una targa (offerta da WildClimb/il Risuolatore).
Non potendo rimandarvi al prossimo appuntamento, vediamo di tirare un po' le somme.
Le 8 tappe (!) del circuito hanno visto ben 303 partecipanti (250 uomini e 53 donne) : voi ! E a voi vanno i primi e più sentiti ringraziamenti da all those who have contributed to the organization of the circuit. I would also like to personally thank
eight fantastic team who have joined gyms initiative: we all know that is difficult to organize these parties but, given the results, it is really worth!
Special thanks to our very generous and made extremely available sponsor: Marmot , Wild Climb, the sole and Smog . Without them you would have competed only for the glory!
I can only give you an appointment 2010/2011 edition of the circuit that will, as usual, in November with the ' enogastrobloccoraduno ™ of Tonga (Mandrio - RE ).
Thanks again to all ... good out of the fog! PS
the classifications will be made public once we have the final results of the 4 th / 5 th / 6 th place ... female patient.
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