fields sprouting businesses!
In the fields sprouting businesses. In 2009 arose more farms and industrial enterprises. In the first quarter of 9014 against 10,269 (source Infocamere). The land is seen not only as good counter-cyclical or safe haven but also as a real opportunity for productive investment with the possibility of returns. The benefits of a rapprochement to the land ever wider audience starts to associate a real possibility of an economic rent a safe and adequate capital appreciation. Agricultural land has as its intrinsic characteristic, in fact, an increasing scarcity due to the uncontrolled use of concrete in place in our flat areas, and the autonomous capacity to regenerate each production cycle. In other words, it is the only property in which no risk of obsolescence and provides basic necessities, the demand can only increase with population growth.
The only drawback is the unit cost and decreasing marginal utility below a certain threshold, which varies depending on growing conditions and the soil itself. It is no coincidence that all those who have taken large sums possess more or less prestigious extended and increasingly grown organically to protect environmental health.
Coming together and then buy a farm to be conducted according to the most modern methods of biological and benefit genuine and authentic flavor, this is the idea that led to the GAT project Land Acquisition Group:
• 50 members for a total investment approximately one million euro for the purchase and management of agricultural land in the Po Valley.
• A company structured to ensure the shareholders in the investment and size eco-solidarity-oriented shortening the supply chain to ensure the company a market released from the suffocating bonds of mass retailers and traditional agriculture.
• Special attention to the environment than to steal land and food poisoning with chemical pesticides, results in greater pleasure of the court so farming can accommodate guests in a small rural tourism business, allowing you to differentiate Further sources of income.
These days the GAT project entered the implementation phase with the convocation of preconceived fixed for October 18 pv 10.30 in Mantua at the Club La Rovere, Via G. No Romano 22 They are open to those who joined confirming serious interest and practical corporate participation. On this occasion will be discussed in detail the business plan that will be sent to interested parties in the coming days. The number of 50 members has been achieved but we are willing to consider other questions that are received not later than October 14 pv for membership and information, please contact us at: 3465061308
Chambers. Rosanna
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