AssoGAT and buffaloes ferragostane ... Subscribing to
Dear friends is our business, despite the summer heat. We followed up the project to establish the association in promoting and coordinating distribution of GAT in the area. We publish below the regulations and the registration form to the association. For those who want to be a GAT-site and to initiate collaboration and project development, adhere to is the first step. AssoGAT is proposed as a practical tool available to all who share the spirit of the GAT and want to make it happen. ... In the face of buffaloes ferragostane of the various political ...
Rosanna and Gianluca
Art Promoted by the founding members make up the association called "ASSOGAT" pursuing the purposes of art. 4;
Article 2 The association is headquartered in Mantova currently being F. Corridoni, 38, and may create or close branches or sections in other cities in Italy or abroad by resolution of the Board of Directors.
The seat can be moved by a simple act of assembly.
The association was established in accordance with the rules of the Italian Constitution and the Civil Code and legislation in force and shall be governed by this Statute and any regulations that were approved under the statutory rules are necessary to better regulate specific activities or associative relations .
activity of members is mainly carried out free of charge. It is permissible for reimbursement of expenses actually incurred and documented for the conduct of activities within the limits set by the shareholders. The association, in cases of special need, you can take advantage of employees or self-employed work, even resorting to their members.
Where necessary, the Association will adopt the procedures under the rules for obtaining legal status and recognition of non-profit organization.
Article 3 The duration of the association is unlimited.
Art 4 the ASSOGAT is an association not for gain.
The association is non-partisan.
The Association proposes the promotion and development of groups to acquire land (GAT ®) pursuing The following business goals and ethics: the defense of members of the investment, the increase of the same asset, the proceeds of any income from agricultural production through management and environmental ethics, shared values \u200b\u200band visions of life, the promotion of organic farming, the approach of agriculture to the city auditorium, the shortening of the chain (disintermediation between producer and consumer), the development of innovative projects in the field of alternative and renewable energy.
The Association intends to achieve its social purpose, by carrying out training activities, information, education, research and documentation; direct stimulation of collaborative links and exchanges between members of information, goods or services, consistent with its objects and any other initiatives aimed at achieving the business purpose, possibly as provided by special regulations issued by the bodies responsible for the association. With the aim to fulfill the purposes expressed above, the Association also promotes and organizes the activities of its members through the following lines of action:
provide services and to centralize the administrative costs of GAT ®;
ensure transparency and uniform quality standards and management ;
provide training, information, education, research and documentation;
facilitate possible Trading between members of different GAT ®;
stimulate development of GAT premises through the exchange of information and expertise between GAT ® existing members and associates;
facilitate finding markets for the products of the GAT ®
The association uses every tool to achieve social goals, in particular the cooperation with local authorities, including through the conclusion of appropriate agreements, participation in other associations, companies or institutions having similar purposes or in connection with its .
The association may, solely for the purpose of self-financing and non-profit, engage in marginal activities under the laws vigente. L’associazione potrà inoltre svolgere qualsiasi altra attività culturale o ricreativa e potrà compiere qualsiasi operazione economica o finanziaria, mobiliare o immobiliare, per il migliore raggiungimento dei propri fini.
Art. 5 Possono far parte dell’associazione tutti coloro che intendono collaborare per il raggiungimento dello scopo sociale.
Possono chiedere di essere ammessi come soci sia le persone fisiche sia le persone giuridiche, sia le associazioni di fatto, mediante inoltro di domanda scritta sulla quale decide senza obbligo di motivazione il Consiglio direttivo.
I soci, possono essere:
Soci fondatori
Sono soci fondatori le persone fisiche o giuridiche che hanno firmato l’atto costitutivo e quelli che successivamente e con deliberazione insindacabile ed inappellabile del comitato direttivo saranno ammessi con tale qualifica in relazione alla loro fattiva opera nell’ambiente associativo.
Soci operativi
Sono soci operativi le persone fisiche che aderiscono all’associazione prestando una attività prevalentemente gratuita e volontaria secondo le modalità stabilite dal Consiglio direttivo e versando una specifica quota stabilita dal Consiglio stesso.
Art. 6 I soci aderenti all’associazione hanno diritto di eleggere gli organi sociali e di essere eletti negli stessi. L’associazione si avvale in modo prevalente di attività prestata in forma volontaria e gratuita dei propri associati.
Tutti i members have rights to information and control established by law and this Statute.
All members have the right of access to documents, resolutions, budgets, accounts and records of the association.
All members of majority have the right to vote.
The members are required to comply with the statutes and regulations, and directives and decisions that are the same under the rules adopted by organs of the association.
The behavior of the member to other members and the outside of the association must be animated by a spirit of solidarity and implemented with integrity, good faith, honesty, probity and moral rectitude, in accordance with this statuto e delle linee programmatiche emanate.
Art. 7 La qualità di socio si perde per:
mancato pagamento della quota sociale: la decadenza avviene su decisione del Consiglio direttivo trascorsi tre mesi dal mancato versamento della quota sociale annuale;
dimissioni: ogni socio può recedere dall’associazione in qualsiasi momento dandone comunicazione scritta al Consiglio direttivo; tale recesso avrà decorrenza immediata. Resta fermo l’obbligo per il pagamento della quota sociale per l’anno in corso;
espulsione: il Consiglio direttivo delibera l’espulsione, previa contestazione degli addebiti e sentito il socio interessato, se possibile e richiesto dallo stesso, per atti compiuti in contrasto a quanto previsto dal presente statuto o qualora siano intervenuti gravi motivi che rendano incompatibile la prosecuzione del rapporto associativo.
Gli associati che abbiano comunque cessato di appartenere all’associazione non possono richiedere i contributi versati e non hanno alcun diritto sul patrimonio dell’associazione stessa.
Art. 8 Le risorse economiche per il conseguimento degli scopi ai quali l’associazione è rivolta e per sopperire alle spese di funzionamento dell’associazione saranno costituite:
dalle quote sociali annue stabilite dal Consiglio direttivo;
da eventuali proventi derivanti da attività associative (manifestazioni e iniziative);
da ogni other contributions, including donations, bequests and reimbursements due to conventions, which members, non members, public or private, give to achieve the aims of the association;
contributions to international organizations;
revenue from commercial activities and productive marginal and proceeds of sales of goods and services to members and third parties. The
indivisible assets consists of:
movable and immovable property;
subsidies, donations, bequests or inheritances;
from any extraordinary contributions;
from operating surpluses.
Also during the life of the individual members can not ask for the division of common resources.
Income assets, profits and surplus, as well as funds, reserves or capital will not be distributed, even indirectly, except during the life of the use or distribution are not required by law, will therefore be brought forward , capitalized and used for the conduct of institutional activities and the achievement of the goals pursued by the association.
Article 9 Association consists of:
the shareholders' meeting, the Governing Council
the Board of Auditors - if appointed -;
the Arbitrators - if appointed -;
Secretary, Treasurer
All elected positions are free, is allowed only the reimbursement of expenses.
GENERAL MEETING Article 10 The Assembly represents all of the duly constituted members and its decisions taken in accordance with law and this statute requiring all members.
The Assembly may be ordinary or extraordinary.
In particular, the Assembly has the task:
to ratify the amount of annual dues established by the Governing Council;
to approve the final budget and the budget;
to deliberate on amendments to the articles of association and the possible dissolution of stessa.
Art. 11 L’assemblea è convocata presso la sede sociale o altrove purché nel territorio nazionale almeno una volta all’anno entro il mese di aprile.
Essa deve inoltre essere convocata ogni qualvolta ciò venga richiesto dal Presidente dell’associazione, dal Consiglio direttivo o da almeno un terzo dei soci.
La convocazione è fatta dal Presidente dell’associazione o da persona dallo stesso a ciò delegata, mediante comunicazione raccomandata spedita agli associati o consegnata a mano almeno otto giorni prima della data della riunione o mediante affissione dell’avviso di convocazione all’albo dell’associazione presso la sede almeno quindici giorni prima della data della riunione, or by fax and email. The invitation must be specified on the agenda, date, place and time of both first-and second call. The meeting may be convened on second call in the next hour of the day of the first call.
Article 12 are entitled to attend the meeting are members in good standing with the payment of dues. They may be represented by another member by written proxy. It is not allowed more than one proxy to the same person. The Chairman of the
ascertain the validity of proxies.
Article 13 Each member has one vote. The resolutions of the first call shall be taken by majority vote and with the physical presence or by proxy at least half of the members. In the second call
decisions shall be by a majority regardless of the number of participants. In counting the votes of the majority does not take into account abstentions.
for amending this constitution or for the dissolution of the act and the devolution of its assets need the vote of at least seventy-five percent of the members present in both first and second call and endorsed by the Governing Council.
The founders have the right to veto decisions of the Assembly.
The meeting is chaired by the President Association or in his absence the Vice-President or, failing that, by a member of the Governing Council appointed by the assembly itself.
functions are performed by the secretary or secretary of the association in his absence by a person, appointed by the Assembly.
The minutes of the Assembly shall be established by the Secretary, and signed by the President and Secretary.
The decisions taken by both ordinary and extraordinary, all members agree that dissent is absent.
Each member is entitled to consult the transcript of the proceedings taken by the Secretary and signed by the President.
BOARD Article 14 The Governing Council is composed of a number of members not less than two and not more than five, including the President who is directly elected by the Assembly. The Assembly elects the Council, leading in turn the number of components.
The Governing Council has the mandate to implement the general directives laid down by the assembly, and any initiative to promote the achievement of social goals.
the Governing Council are also responsible to take all measures necessary for the ordinary and extraordinary, the organization and operation of the association, the possible recruitment of staff, to establish the budget of the association, sottoponendolo poi all’approvazione dell’assemblea; di stabilire le quote annuali dovute dai soci.
Inoltre gli compete:
predisporre le linee generali del programma delle attività annuali ed a medio termine dell’associazione;
redigere la relazione consuntiva annuale sull’attività dell’associazione;
vigilare sulle strutture e sui servizi dell’associazione;
determinare i criteri organizzativi che garantiscano efficienza, efficacia, funzionalità e puntuale individuazione delle opportunità ed esigenze per l’associazione e gli associati;
Il Consiglio direttivo individua, istituisce e presiede comitati operativi, tecnici e scientifici determinandone la durata, le modalità di funzionamento, gli obiettivi ed i compensi.
Il Consiglio direttivo può demandare ad uno o più consiglieri lo svolgimento di determinati incarichi e delegare a gruppi di lavoro lo studio di problemi specifici.
Art. 15 Il Consiglio direttivo nomina tra i suoi membri il Vice-Presidente, il Tesoriere e il Segretario.
Sarà in facoltà del Consiglio direttivo preparare e stilare un apposito regolamento che, conformandosi alle norme del presente statuto, dovrà regolare gli aspetti pratici e particolari della vita dell’associazione.
Detto regolamento dovrà essere sottoposto per l’approvazione all’assemblea che delibererà con le maggioranze ordinarie.
Art. 16 I membri del Consiglio Directors serve for three years and may be reelected.
If you are missing one or more directors, the Governing Council shall appoint a substitute in their place the shareholder or shareholders' meeting last election further down the list of voting.
In any case, the new directors will expire along with those who are in office at the time of their appointment.
If you fail more than half the number of advisers, the President must convene a meeting for new elections.
Article 17 The Governing Council shall meet at the invitation of the President whenever it demonstrates the opportunity, or when they make a written request at least two members of the Board. Each member of
Governing Council should be invited to at least three days before, and only in urgent cases the Council will be convened within twenty-four hours. The convening of the meeting may be made by registered mail, or delivered by hand, fax, e-mail and telegram.
The notice shall indicate the items on the agenda.
Article 18 The validity of the meeting of the Governing Council requires the presence of a majority of its members.
The meeting was chaired by the President of the association or, in his absence by the Vice-President or in his absence by another member of the Council older for participation in the association.
functions are performed by the secretary or secretary of the association in case of his absence or by a person designated by the person chairing the meeting.
Resolutions are passed by a majority of votes in the event of a tie vote of the chairman.
same resolutions will be prepared in minutes signed by the President and Secretary. THE TREASURER
Article 19 The Treasurer is responsible for keeping and updating the accounting records and to establish the budget of the association.
Article 20 The Secretary is responsible for keeping and updating the books and records and the Register of Members to assist in the performance of his duties as President. THE PRESIDENT
Article 21 The President is elected by the Assembly and is appointed for three years. The first appointment is ratified in the articles.
The President is the legal representative of the Association towards third parties and chair the meetings of the Board of Directors and the shareholders' meeting.
The President assumes all the measures in the interest of the association, though, falling under the jurisdiction of the case by the Governing Council in the matter is urgent and is obligated to report the same at the first meeting held.
The President has the powers of the normal day management of the association and will be also any powers delegated by the Governing Council may wish to take charge, even of extraordinary administration.
For the cases of absence or unavailability, or any other impediment of the President the same shall be replaced by Vice-President.
Article 22 The Assembly, if it sees fit, elect a Board of Arbitrators, a maximum number of three, who shall hold office for three years, which leave it in a manner determined by monitoring the activities of the association and the resolution of disputes that may arise between members. The deliberations of the Arbitration Board are final.
BOARD OF AUDITORS Article 23 The Assembly, if he sees fit, elect a Board of Auditors Association. The Board of Auditors is composed of three members and two alternates and appointed for three years.
The College is responsible for attending meetings of the Governing Council and the Assembly, to check the work of the Governing Council, and the work of the association to verify the compliance with the statutory purposes and the law. The checks are written out to a special book. The College may also refer to the President and members of the Governing Council with recommendations as it deems useful in order to enable the best performance of their duties in accordance with the rules and Statute. The compensation to members of the Board of Auditors, if outside the association, is determined by the Governing Council in accordance with the law.
Article 24 FINANCIAL YEAR The financial year ends December 31 of each year and will be formed with the closure of the budget to be presented to the Assembly for approval within four months after the close of the fiscal year. STATUTORY CHANGES
Article 25 This Regulations shall be amended in accordance with the rules laid down by the extraordinary art. 13 of these Regulations. Any change or addition can not be in conflict with social goals, with the doctrine and the Rules interno e con la legge italiana.
Art. 26 Per deliberare lo scioglimento dell’associazione e la devoluzione del patrimonio occorre l’assemblea straordinaria dei soci validamente costituita secondo le norme del presente statuto
L’assemblea che delibera lo scioglimento dell’associazione nomina uno o più liquidatori e delibera sulla destinazione del patrimonio che residua dalla liquidazione stessa.
La devoluzione del patrimonio sarà effettuata con finalità di pubblica utilità a favore di associazioni con finalità similari.
Art. 27 Per quanto non contenuto nel presente statuto, valgono le norme ed i principi del codice civile.